
03.06.2015 projects, ROM-ACT

ROM-ACT: more inclusive validation systems needed in the EU

Roma are one of the groups experiencing significant social, educational and labour exclusion in Europe.

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26.05.2015 AE-PRO

AE-Pro e-training is becoming a success story

‘European e-training for Adult Educators’, initiated by the AE-Pro project, started with an introductory webinar in April.

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22.05.2015 AEMA

AEMA network identifies barriers for adult learners

The AEMA Network aims to change the fact that not everyone has equal access to adult education by developing a shared network and quality framework on accessibility issues in adult education provision.

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04.05.2015 policy

Adult learning in a Danish society shocked by terror?

INFONET. An Interview with Knud Illeris, Danish scientist and Professor in Lifelong Learning.

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24.03.2015 policy, TTIP

What does TTIP mean for adult education?

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations are worrying many civil society organisations, including EAEA. But what is TTIP and how does it concern adult education?

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19.03.2015 financial literacy

The EDU-FIN consortium calls for contributions on financial literacy

Financial literacy is especially low among young adults at risk, who are ill-equipped to deal with ever-increasing financial responsibility.

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18.03.2015 financing

More research and commitment needed on financing adult education

Adult education is an area that encompasses many different political approaches, and therefore also different approaches to funding.

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10.03.2015 AE-PRO

Join the European e-training for Adult Educators – Share, Learn and Inspire!

The AE-PRO project launches ‘European e-training for Adult Educators’, and is currently looking for participants.

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27.02.2015 RENEWAL

Regional cooperation in adult education is needed

The RENEWAL project aims to strengthen the European Agenda for Adult Learning in the Southern and Central-Eastern regions of Europe.

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26.02.2015 EAEA members

Brighter times for Greek adult education

FROM OUR MEMBERS: GREECE. On January 25th 2015, general elections in Greece resulted for the first time in modern Greek history a government based on the Coalition of the Radical Left, Syriza.

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