EAEA services in a nutshell
Information, Dissemination, Networks, Policy & Project Management and Capacity building – EAEA offers a lot, whether you are an EAEA member or whether you are simply interested in adult education!
Stay updated about policy developments and important events concerning adult education!

For everyone
- Bi-monthly newsletter: Sign up!
- EAEA on Facebook: Connect with us!
- EAEA on Twitter: Follow us!
For members
- Insider newsletter “News from Brussels” by EAEA Secretary-General about key policy updates
- Bi-weekly members newsletter “Member News” with information on policy developments and projects, invitations to trainings and events, and other important information linked to adult education
- Targeted communication via the members mailing list
Make sure European adult education stakeholders know about your projects and upcoming events!

For everyone
- Consult our paid dissemination services for non-members
For members
- Dissemination of information on your projects and events for free on all our communication tools: webpage, Facebook & Twitter
- Publication of all your events and trainings on our EAEA web-calendar
- Promotion of your projects and events to all EAEA members through the members mailing list
- Dissemination of your material from your projects or events at conferences, meetings & other events that EAEA staff attends
Become part of a European network with more than 120 members from 43 countries!

For everyone
- Browse the list of EAEA members
For members
- Support with finding partners that would best fit your project consortium
- Contact facilitation with EAEA members, other NGOs and stakeholders in adult education per email or during meetings and events
- Knowledge exchange on key topics of interest
Policy and Project Management
Get advice and assistance on EU policy developments and project management in the field of adult learning and education!

For everyone
- Read EAEA’s statements on current issues concerning adult education
- Find out about EAEA’s projects
For members
- Advice and assistance on EU policy developments, e.g. letter templates that you can use and/or translate for your own policy work on the national, regional and local level
- Advice and support for your policy work
- Policy discussions and events
- Advice and guidance on project management or dissemination plans
Capacity building
Join EAEA’s study visits, training sessions and webinars to improve your work!

For everyone
- Do a study visit in Brussels with EAEA Staff to get to know EAEA better
- Participate in EAEA’s annual Younger Staff Training to improve your knowledge of adult learning and education in Europe
For members
- Study visits for groups in Brussels tailored to your needs, including meetings with institutional representatives and EAEA staff to discuss adult education matters
- Online discussions and webinars on selected topics (e.g. policy updates, advocacy workshops)
Leaflet: Why join?
English: version for the screen / printable version
Italian: lettura online / per la stampa
German: Desktopversion / Druckversion
Polish: wersja na monitor/ wersja do druku
Slovak: version for the screen / printable version
Turkish: version for the screen / printable version
Europe is more than the EU
EAEA pays specific attention to members who are based outside of the EU and who lack some of the opportunities for cooperation that are available within the EU. To better serve their needs, in 2021 EAEA established a working group “Europe is more than the EU”, which includes EAEA Executive Board members. The group, whose main focus is on organisations based in Eastern Europe, developed the following results:
- A survey on the needs of EAEA non-EU members based in Eastern Europe, available in EN, BCSM and RU;
- A roadmap towards a closer cooperation between EAEA and its non-EU members, available in EN, BCSM and RU.
The objectives of the roadmap are now included in the EAEA workplan for 2021 and 2022, and EAEA is planning a series of activities targeting specifically non-EU members. For more information about the working group “Europe is more than the EU”, please contact Aleksandra at aleksandra.kozyra [at] eaea.org.