

European Education Area: Adult Education and Learning for all must become a top European priority – EAEA’s statement

June 2024

Making Education Accessible and Inclusive for Families, Parents and Family Carers: The Need for a ‘Family Test’ in EU Education and Training Policies – Joint Statement by COFACE Families Europe and the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)

June 2024

A European Quality Assurance and Recognition System for education must consider adult learning and education and its diversity – EAEA’s statement
January 2024

Quality Adult Learning and Education for Everyone: 10 Recommendations for the European Elections 2024. – EAEA’s statement
January 2024


A greener future: voices of learners and educators in green transition. Background paper on adult learning and green transition.
December 2023

ESF+: Make it more inclusive and accessible, and put the learners at the centre! – EAEA’s feedback to the ESF+ consultations [French version available here]
December 2023

Erasmus+: What’s in it for adult learning and education? – EAEA’s feedback to the open public consultation of the European Commission
December 2023

Decreasing funding levels – and yet expecting miracles? – EAEA’s statement on funding pressures on non-formal adult learning and education
November 2023

We need skills for the labour market – and beyond! – EAEA’s own-initiative mid-term review of the European Year of Skills
November 2023

European Education Area: How more recognition and structural funding for ALE can make it a success – EAEA’s feedback to the Commission’s call for evidence
September 2023

EAEA feedback to the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027
July 2023

EU Country Reports and Country-Specific Recommendations 2023 – EAEA’s infonote
June 2023

European Education Area (EEA) – Mid-term review 2023-2024 – EAEA’s infonote
May 2023

Learning Mobility for Adults: Put quality of learning mobility at the centre – EAEA’s statement
May 2023

Widening Access to Adult Learning through Transnational Paid Education Leave Schemes for All Workers – EAEA’s position paper
April 2023

The EESC’s recommendations for a solid reform of the European Semester: The missing voice of adult learning and education organisations – EAEA’s response
January 2023


Transformative learning and values – EAEA’s background paper
December 2022

Financing adult learning and education in Europe: Update 2022 – EAEA’s background paper
December 2022

Adult learning and the green transition: preparing the ground for EAEA’s annual theme 2023 – EAEA’s concept paper
December 2022

EAEA calls for a new approach to quality in adult learning and education – EAEA’s statement
December 2022

For a holistic understanding of skills in the EU Year of Skills 2023 – EAEA’s response to the public consultation of the European Commission
December 2022

Europe is more than the EU: towards more inclusion of non-EU members from Eastern Europe in Erasmus+ – EAEA’s statement
November 2022

Call for urgent action to mitigate the impact of the energy crisis and inflation on ALE provision and to ensure access to learning opportunities – EAEA’s statement
November 2022

Feedback to the Erasmus+ 2021-27 interim evaluation & Erasmus+ 2014-20 final evaluation
September 2022

Individual Learning Accounts: How will ALE providers be supported? – EAEA’s statement
July 2022

CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action – EAEA’s infonote
June 2022

Include adult learners in Erasmus+ mobility actions – but do it right! – EAEA’s statement
April 2022

Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union: We need a coordinated, comprehensive and inclusive approach – EAEA’s statement
April 2022

The EU must support the millions of people fleeing the war in Ukraine – the ALE community is ready! – EAEA’s statement
April 2022

Lifelong learning and adult learning and education policies and strategies in the EU – EAEA’s infographic [Update of the 2020 infographic]
March 2022

The New European Agenda for Adult Learning (NEAAL) – EAEA’s infographic
March 2022

Feedback to the Public Consultation on Upskilling Pathways – EAEA’s statement
February 2022


Digitalisation and democracy – EAEA’s context paper
December 2021

Policy recommendations for digitalisation and democracy – EAEA’s infographic
December 2021

More inclusion in Erasmus+ requires adequate funding and support – EAEA’s reaction to the Commission Implementing Decision on the framework of inclusion measures of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes 2021-2027
December 2021

CONFINTEA VII needs a strong civil society representation – EAEA’s statement
December 2021

Adult Learning and Education is Key for the Future of Europe – EAEA’s statement on the New European Agenda for Adult Learning
December 2021

Erasmus+ KA1 learner mobility: see what’s in there for you! EAEA’s infographic
November 2021

The National Recovery and Resilience Plans – EAEA’s info note
October 2021

Sustainable development needs Adult Learning and Education – EAEA’s statement
September 2021

A critical reflection on Individual Learning Accounts – EAEA’s statement
July 2021

The peril and potential of Micro-Credentials – EAEA’s statement
July 2021

Let’s get our hands dirty! – EAEA background report on greening adult learning and education
April 2021

EAEA’s reaction to the Green Paper on Ageing
March 2021

Let’s insist on using the Recovery and Resilience Fund for Adult Learning and Education! – EAEA’s statement
March 2021

A pledge for more Adult Learning and Education in and after the Coronavirus Pandemic – EAEA’s statement
March 2021

Reaction to the Council’s conclusion on improving the well-being of older persons in the era of digitalisation 
January 2021


Improving outreach and access to adult learning during COVID-19 – EAEA statement
December 2020

Outreach and Access in Adult Learning: Access in Rural Areas
November 2020

Reinforcing Social Europe – EAEA’s response to the Commission’s consultation
November 2020

Where are the Adults? A European Education Area requires a holistic vision of Lifelong Learning! – EAEA’s statement
November 2020

Let’s use the Recovery and Resilience Facility for Adult Learning and Education! – EAEA’s statement
The Recovery and Resilience Facility: What does it mean for ALE? – EAEA’s infonote
September 2020

Consultation on the European Democracy Action Plan to Protect European Democracy from Interference and Manipulation – EAEA’s statement
September 2020

Consultation on the Digital Education Action Plan – EAEA’s response
August 2020

Gender and adult learning – EAEA’s background paper
July 2020

Reaction to the European Skills Agenda for Sustainable Competitiveness, Social Fairness and Resilience – EAEA’s statement
European Skills Agenda: What’s in it for Adult Learning and Education? – EAEA infographic
July 2020

ESF+ Update – EAEA’s info note
June 2020

ESF and COVID-19 – EAEA’s info note
April 2020

Lifelong learning and adult learning and education policies and strategies in the EU – EAEA’s infographic
April 2020

For a ‘green’ and socially inclusive Erasmus+ programme – EAEA’s statement
April 2020

Resilience of Individuals, Communities and Economies: We need more Adult Learning and Education in and after the Coronavirus Pandemic – EAEA’s statement
April 2020

The added value of adult learning: Large differences in taxation of learning offers in Europe – EAEA’s statement
January 2020 [updated March 2020]


Life skills and participation in adult learning – EAEA policy paper
December 2019

The future of adult learning in Europe – EAEA background paper
December 2019

All we want is… a new Erasmus+ programme that strengthens European adult education – EAEA’s statement
December 2019

Implementing the Agenda for Adult Learning: Are we there yet? – EAEA’s statement
November 2019

Adult education and citizenship – EAEA background paper
November 2019

Council Recommendation on Validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) – EAEA’s response
November 2019

Why Erasmus+ should include KA1 learning mobility for adult learners – EAEA infographic
October 2019

ET2020: What will come after 2020? – EAEA’s statement
September 2019

European Parliament report on Erasmus+ – EAEA’s response
April 2019

European Commission’s stocktaking report on Upskilling Pathways: EAEA’s reaction and further recommendations
March 2019


EAEA statement on the implementation of Upskilling Pathways (pdf)
December 2018

EAEA policy paper on partnerships and cooperations in adult learning 
December 2018

Infographic: European Semester and adult education
November 2018

Background paper: Adult education and sustainability
September 2018

EAEA statement: ESF+: A chance for adult education?
August 2018

EAEA statement: What happened to the PLUS in Erasmus+?
EAEA infographic: What happened to the PLUS in Erasmus+? (pdf, png 1 & 2)
June 2018

European Education Area must not leave adults behind – Reaction to the Second Package of the European Education Area
June 2018

EAEA response: Public Consultation on EU funds in the area of values and mobility
February 2018

Erasmus+ impacts adult education far beyond the measured – Reaction to the Erasmus+ midterm evaluation
February 2018

EAEA response: The European Commission’s three initiatives on key competences, common values and digital education
February 2018

Infographic: Erasmus+ and the ESF in the future EU budget
January 2018


EAEA response: The European Pillar of Social Rights and the European Education Area
December 2017

EAEA statement: Adult education needs ESF funding (EN, FR)
November 2017

EAEA statement: Put the Plus into Erasmus+ [infographic] (EN, PT, FI)
September 2017

EAEA response: Social inclusion means considering all age groups in education
July 2017

EAEA statement: EAEA on the Future of Erasmus+
April 2017

EAEA Response: EAEA proposal on Key Competences – Response to the European Commission’s Consultation
April 2017


EAEA Policy Paper: Learning and Skills for Adults in Europe
December 2016

EAEA Response to the European Pillar of Social Rights
October 2016

EAEA statement: EAEA welcomes the Skills Agenda – a huge opportunity for Europe
June 2016

EAEA statement: The new resolution of the European Council stresses the importance of citizenship education
April 2016


EAEA Feedback on Erasmus+ (EN, NL)
December 2015

EAEA Policy Paper: Adult Education and Health (EN, FR, RU)
October 2015

EAEA statement on the Draft Joint Report on ET 2020
October 2015

EAEA statement: Adult education can play a key role in the current refugee crisis (EN, NL)
September 2015

EAEA statement to the Paris Declaration of the European Education Ministers
April 2015


EAEA position paper on TTIP
December 2014

EAEA Letter to Cecilia Malmström on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
November 2014

EAEA Letter to Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner-designate for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
October 2014

EAEA response to the EU2020 strategy consultation
October 2014

EAEA Statement on the Commission’s Stakeholder Consultation guidelines
September 2014

Media release: Adult education is more than just a tool for the labour market
September 2014

Media release: The Commission portfolio of “Skills” undermines the benefits of education
September 2014

Recommendations for the improvement of Erasmus+ final
June 2014

Response to the EC consultation on VAT
April 2014

Response to the Commission’s consultation on Skills and Qualifications
April 2014

Statement on Adult Education in Times of Crisis
February 2014

Recommendations: PIAAC – A Wake-up Call for Europe!
February 2014

Analysis paper: PIAAC – A Wake-up Call for Europe!
February 2014

Response to the European Commission’s Communication “Opening up Education”
January 2014


Response to the European Parliament’s Report on “Rethinking Education”
October 2013

Statement on PIAAC results
October 2013

Statement on the European Commission’s communication on Rethinking Education
January 2013


Response to the Proposal for a Council recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning
October 2012

Statement on the Draft Report on the Lifelong Learning Programme II (Erasmus for All)
September 2012

Policy Paper on Active Ageing through Adult Learning
September 2012

Recommendations on Active Ageing through Adult Learning
September 2012


Statement on Erasmus for All
November 2011

Response to the New Skills for New Jobs initiative
June 2011

Recommendations for a follow-up of the Action Plan for Adult Learning
April 2011

Response to the Green paper on Development Policy
January 2011


Additional comments on the consultation on the future programme in the field of education and training
November 2010

Statement on EU Citizens’ Rights
June 2010

Statement on EU2020
January 2010

Submission to the consultation on financial regulations
January 2010

Policy Paper on Poverty reduction
Compiled in 2010


Statement on the Grundtvig Programme
December 2009

Appeal on Active Citizenship
October 2009

Statement on Territorial Cohesion
Spring 2009

Statement on the Employment Summit
Spring 2009

Comments on the Updated Strategic Framework
March 2009


Statement on Migration and Mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems
December 2008

Statement for the Pan-European CONFINTEA VI Preparatory Conference
November 2008

Statement on Intercultural Learning
October 2008

Policy Paper on Literacy
October 2008


Statement on Equal Opportunities for All
December 2007


Statement on the proposal on key competences for lifelong learning
Spring 2006


statement on the progress of work in the Concrete Objectives Programme