
From ‘Youth on the Move’ to ‘Europe on the Move’

Thanks to years of advocacy and multiple efforts in the last months, EAEA has succeeded in making adult learning an integral part of the new learning mobility framework. The new framework was proposed by the European Commission in mid-November.

EAEA has advocated for years for increased recognition and support for the mobility of adult learners. In the past months, these efforts have intensified on multiple fronts. EAEA published a statement calling for quality learning mobility for adults, and participated in the public consultation and stakeholders’ exchanges on the new Proposal. In parallel, EAEA took part in the European Citizens’ Learning Mobility Panel, providing expertise and insights to the citizens preparing recommendations on this issue. Notably, the Citizens’ Panel endorsed several proposals to widen access to learning mobility for adults.

The previous European framework on learning mobility was adopted in 2011. It was titled ‘Youth on the move’ and had an exclusive focus on young people. While learning mobility for the youth is invaluable, the European Education Area needs to allow learners of all ages to learn and study abroad.

EAEA’s work on the revision led to a sizable shift in European policy. This is evident from the title of the new proposal for Council Recommendation: ‘Europe on the Move’, from the previous ‘Youth on the Move’.

Adult learning becomes an integral part of the European learning mobility framework

“The new Proposal for a Council Recommendation is an important step in the right direction,” says EAEA Secretary General Gina Ebner.

“Numerous obstacles prevent adults from participating in education and training abroad. Citizens have asked to spare no effort to remove these barriers: it’s time to make learning mobility a reality for people of all ages!”

The new Proposal for Council Recommendation is an important step in the right direction

The Proposal will provide a framework for all learning mobility policies in Europe, including Erasmus+. The final step for adoption is the approval by the Council, foreseen in the first half of 2024 during the Belgian Presidency. EAEA continues to follow this crucial topic, advocating for adult learning mobility for all.

Text: Davide Muraro

17.06.2024 EAEA Grundtvig Award 2024

Smartfood initiative and ADELE project win 2024 EAEA Grundtvig Awards

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Sharing and learning from national initiatives for Upskilling Pathways

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