
Erasmus+: Improvements for ALE, but further efforts still needed

During the summer, the European Commission collected feedback for its Erasmus+ 2021-2027 interim evaluation and Erasmus+ 2014-2020 final evaluation. EAEA prepared a response, bringing together feedback from the EAEA members to the previous and current Erasmus+ programmes.

Read EAEA’s feedback to the consultation of the European Commission here.

The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) sees improvements between the Erasmus+ programmes from 2014 to 2020, and from 2021 to 2027, especially in the areas of funding for adult learning and education (ALE), and the inclusion of adult learners in Erasmus+ KA1 learner mobility.

Besides upskilling for the labour market and learning for employability, ALE is immensely important learning for active citizenship, sustainability, social inclusion, creativity, critical thinking, and much more. ALE conveys values and is transformational – for everyone, regardless of the target group. However, participation in ALE is still low at 10.8 per cent of the adult population. Innovation and sharing of good practices, policy experimentation as well as new networks and partnerships for ALE, therefore, play a key role.

We recommend to

  • Increase the funding for ALE in Erasmus+ to increase the participation of adults in lifelong learning;
  • Make third countries, including from Regions 1 and 2, eligible for participation in actions on ALE;
  • Put life skills and values for transformative learning at the centre of Erasmus+ calls in the adult education sector;
  • Introduce Adult Learning Alliances for stronger ALE structures and policies;
  • Introduce Jean Monnet activities for ALE to promote European Union learning;
  • Make Erasmus+ more sustainable;
  • Put special emphasis on the accessibility of the programme to all;
  • Make Erasmus+ KA1 mobility actions truly inclusive for adult learners;
  • Collect qualitative and quantitative data on the impact of ALE.

Text: EAEA

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