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Global Education Meeting 2018

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

The 2018 Global Education Meeting will review progress towards the global education targets and commitments in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Global Meeting will bring the global community together to take stock of progress and identify strategic priority areas requiring political guidance and intervention for the effective achievement of the global Education 2030 Read More

Lifelong Learning Week

Bruxelles Bruxelles, Belgium

8th edition of the Lifelong Learning Week! This year it will be dedicated to “Lifelong Learning Culture: a partnership for rethinking education”! Debates will focus on the role of civil society organisations working in education to foster culture and EU values, as well as the place of education in the next MFF! Come debate together Read More

Lifelong Learning Interest Group: Investing in education and lifelong learning

European Parliament

This third meeting of the Lifelong Learning Interest Group in 2018 will see the presence of  the EC Vice President Jyrki Katainen and will focus on how the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework and generation of EU programmes can support education, training and lifelong learning. This ranges from the flagship Erasmus+ programme to others which touch on various dimensions Read More

II Meeting on Adult Education for Life

Poros Museum, Condeixa, Coimbra Av. Bombeiros Voluntários de Condeixa, 3150-160 Condeixa, Portugal

Letters for Life is organizing the II Meeting on Adult Education for Life in order to: Enrich the critical debate on Adult Education; Contribute actively to the promotion of Adult Education for All; Disseminate good practices in the field of Adult Education in Portugal; Bring together the community of Letters for Life; Promote the Community of Read More

ICAE Virtual Seminar 2019: Role and Impact of Adult Education

The International Council of Adult Education invites you to join the Virtual Seminar on the Role and Impact of Adult Education, run in cooperation with DVV International. The seminar is free of charge, open to anyone and will start on 25thof February. The following articles of issue 85 of Adult Education and Development will be Read More

2nd Bridge47 Global Event

Belgarde, Serbia

Bridge 47 global events bring together participants coming from very different geographic, spiritual, cultural, professional and other backgrounds, united in the commitment to use the transformative power of education to pave the way to a more just and sustainable world. On 9 April 2019, as part of the International Civil Society Week 2019, Bridge 47 will Read More

Education behind Belgian bars

Mechelen Mechelen, Belgium

Vocvo is pleased to welcome you on the second international training week ‘Education behind Belgian bars’ for teachers, education coordinators and other interested stakeholders in prison education. The training will provide an idea of how prison education is organised in Flanders and Brussels. The participants will be introduced in practice and policy of the Flemish prison education system. Here  you will find all information about the Read More

7 Day Summer Course Transformative Learning through the Use of Art: Emphasis on the use of Cinema, Fine Arts & Ancient Drama


Participating in this Summer Course, the trainees will be able to upgrade their skills by mastering an innovative method: The use of works of fine arts, literature and ancient drama. The participants will be provided with stimuli that will enable them to thoroughly understand and enjoy art and more particularly Ancient Drama. Moreover, they will Read More

Local development through citizens’ empowerment – Final workshop of the LQN project

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The workshop will present the results of the project LQN (LebensQualität durch Nähe-Quality of life through proximity) carried out by 5 adult education institutions in Austria, Germany and Italy and the European Association for the Education of Adults, which addressed the need of municipalities to empower citizens and improve their involvement in participatory projects to Read More

Learning and Living in Diverse Communities: 11th ESREA BGL-ALC Network Conference

The call for participation is now open! The organisers are welcoming papers on the following topics: Adult learning and cultural diversity Methodolgies to research and act in diverse communities The policies of diversity and adult learning Building diverse communities Diversity in Intergenerational Learning More information available on the conference website.