Fostering intergenerational learning by digitalising pictures
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. Young people not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) and Seniors from the Erasmus+ project “NEET-U” were involved in a four-day marathon Hackathon Umbria 2017 for the development of creative digital projects. Altheo Valentini, Senior Project Manager at Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno talks about the project.
Municipality and local NGOs pilot service packages to foster community learning in Pécs
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. The PEER GYNT project aimed to implement an innovative human service development programme based on community planning and local group involvement as a response to economic and social problems in the city of Pécs. Anna Vincze Csilla talks about the project.
Families and associations supporting the inclusion of migrant children with learning difficulties
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. European Network for Social Inclusion’s ambition is to build non-formal language training system for immigrant children. Giuseppe Labita President of People Help the People talks about the project.
Recognising learning and competences of adults
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. Cooperation of different partners with unique expertise was one of the key success features of the Learning map project, says Sérgio Gonçalves from Ha Moment.
Bringing community together
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. The idea of the project was to ensure, through the pedagogy of the partnership, the cooperation of teachers from different subjects, parents and children, says Stepanowa Oxana Wolodymyriwna.
Career counselling for educators
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. Pomeranian Career Counsellors Network gathered a wide network of local authorities to improve the offering and quality of career counselling in the region. Barbara Szymańska, Regional career counselling consultant, talks about the initiative.
Knowhow about digital tools for adult educators
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. The EBmooc project used a massive open online course to teach digital tools to adult educators in Austria. Birgit Aschemann talks about the project.
Activating older people in Belarus
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. The Centre for Active Ageing created a new platform for older adults to realize their dreams. Dmitry Klimkovich talks about the idea of the project.
Social and emotional learning as a solution
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. Out of a life-changing and horrific event can flourish activities that become part of the solution. The opposite of anxiety is action, says Scarlett Lewis, the founder of Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement that aims to teach social and emotional skills to children via their teachers.
Visualizing literacy inequalities through big data
EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. An innovative partnership with creative collaborators enabled the School of Education in the University of Glasgow to turn big data into visual outputs and to tell the story of literacy inequalities. Drs Kate Reid and Catherine Lido talk about the project.