
13.07.2018 EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018

EAEA Grundtvig Award winner: Inclusion through active listening

EAEA GRUNDTIVG AWARD 2018. SK.IN – Skills for Inclusion project aimed to share good practices and tools among adult educators to better support and improve competence development of their low-skills adult learners.

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10.07.2018 EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018

EAEA Grundtvig Award winner: Training non-formal adult education trainers in Laos

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. Winner of EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018 in international projects, DVV International Regional Office Southeast Asia, trained a group of trainers in youth and adult education in Laos, where no pre- or in-service training is normally available for the sector. Beykham Saleumsouk from DVV International Laos talked about the project to EAEA.

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06.07.2018 LEK-AE, professionalisation, projects

Breaking taboos through communicating about adult education

The LEK-AE project aims to equip adult education professionals and practitioners with journalistic skills to raise awareness about the role of adult education in contributing to social inclusion, active citizenship and wellbeing – and breaking taboos around going back to learning.

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03.07.2018 cooperation, EAEA Annual Conference

EAEA Annual Conference 2018: Diverse approaches to cooperations and partnerships

What are the partners adult educators work with currently? What new partnerships could be established? How to build new forms of cooperations during the digital era? These were some of the questions raised at the EAEA Annual Conference held in Tallinn, Estonia, on June 28th.

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29.06.2018 cooperation

EAEA welcomes seven new members

EAEA’s General Assembly has accepted seven new associate members to join the EAEA. The new members come from Serbia, Ireland, the Netherlands, France and Portugal.

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27.06.2018 EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018, projects

EAEA awarded cooperations and partnerships in adult education

MEDIA RELEASE. EAEA has awarded adult education projects in its annual EAEA Grundtvig Awards. This year’s award celebrated cooperations and partnerships in adult education.

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18.06.2018 Erasmus+

What happened to the PLUS in Erasmus+?

Adult education is tackling many of Europe’s most pressing challenges, yet the funding allocated to adult education in the future EU budget and the name change of the EU’s education programme signal a failure to recognise its importance. EAEA calls for a higher budget share and a clear commitment to adult education to meet the EU objectives and to make an impact.

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12.06.2018 lifelong learning, LLL interest group

LLL Interest Group: How do we define learning environments in the 21st century?

The latest meeting of the Interest Group on Lifelong Learning brought together Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the European Commission, civil society organisations and other stakeholders to discuss the concept of learning environments in formal, non-formal and informal learning settings.

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08.06.2018 advocacy, European Education Area, policy

EAEA statement: European Education Area must not leave adults behind

While the European Commission’s latest plans to further the European Education Area underline the commitment to lifelong learning, the measures proposed are not embedded in a holistic lifelong learning approach. EAEA’s Reaction to the Second Package of the European Education Area calls for a stronger consideration of all age groups and stages of learning.

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06.06.2018 life skills, LSE

A flexible and transferable learning framework for Life Skills in Europe

Three months after the launch of the definition of Life Skills, the LSE project consortium is pleased to publish an overarching framework for life skills learning. The framework aims to establish a common understanding of life skills by describing eight key types of capabilities necessary to be an active participant in life and work.

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