The Smart Generation project aims at enhancing the conscious use of smartphones.

The Smart Generation Pedagogical Model encourages a conscious use of smartphones

The Pedagogical Model of the Smart Generation consortium is now available! The model, entitled “Smartphone Education”, is a key output of the project, proposing a series of workshops on how to use a smartphone in a conscious way.

As the Smart Generation project is now coming to an end, the partners are finalizing the last outputs. This has meant the testing of the Pedagogical Model, which aims to help teachers and educators run comprehensive workshops on smartphone education.

Organised around 4 areas: digital identity, relationships, safety and knowledge, the model proposes 60-minute workshops on each topic, which can be further developed into longer sessions. Each workshop consists of several short activities, easy to use by teachers who only want to implement some elements of smartphone education in their daily work.

The model was tested by 21 schools, 6 non-formal education providers and 93 teachers and educators. More than 1,500 young learners participated in the testing. The findings were discussed during the fifth Steering Committee, which took place in Rujiena, Latvia, on 17-18 July.

The results will now feed into the policy recommendations that the partners are currently preparing, and will be presented during two events: in Modena on 25 October and in Brussels on 20 November. There is a limited budget to support the participants in their travels – should you be interested, please contact Aleksandra Kozyra.


Text: Aleksandra KozyraPhotos: Mateusz Dach

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