The RENEWAL project brought together the representatives and providers of the two less developed adult education regions (Southern Europe and Central Eastern Europe) to give them the opportunity to exchange their experiences, challenges and developments on the Renewed European Agenda for adult learning.
They discussed the development of adult learning through and of the European Agenda in their countries and regions and identified the challenges and necessary steps for the further developments. These recommendations will be discussed with and presented to the national coordinators of the relevant countries and the European Commission.
The aims of the project are:
– Strengthening the European Agenda in these two regions
– Strengthening the European Agenda overall
– Promoting the transfer of innovation in the two regions
– Strengthening civil society and its cooperation in the two regions
– Contribute to a European area of lifelong learning
– Contribute to quality and efficiency in adult education in Europe
Target group
Practitioners and adult education professionals and policy makers in Europe, with a particular focus on the two involved regions
- State-of-the-art report on the implementation of the Adult Learning Agenda in the two regions. The report contains information about each of the concerned countries and a first analysis of main challenges, developments and issues.
- Two regional meetings which raised awareness within the regions for the European Agenda, strengthened the networking in the regions and collected feedback and recommendations from the civil society
- Two meetings reports which summarises the main results of both reports and meetings and concentrates on the messages and recommendations to the European Commission.
Kick off Meeting- Brussels, 27-28 January 2014
Central Eastern Europe regional meeting – Bratislava, 15-16/10/2014
Southern Europe regional meeting – Lisbon, 23-24/10/2014
Final meeting – Brussels, 10-11 December 2014