Regional meetings

RENEWAL regional meetings and reports

Two regional meetings were organized by the RENEWAL consortium in Bratislava on 15-16 October, 2014 and in Lisbon on 23-24 October, 2014. Meetings were targeted at adult education providers, representatives from the civil society and from the European Commission as well as national coordinators.

The main aims of the regional meetings were to encourage exchanges and debates on the European Agenda in Southern Europe and Central Eastern Europe and promote the cooperation between governmental and civil society actors in the two regions.

At these meetings, the RENEWAL state of the art report on the implementation of the Adult Learning Agenda was presented. This document provided the participants with food for thoughts on the challenges and potentialities of the European Commission’s initiative and be the basis of a national and international exchange and reflection.

Two meetings reports containing the outcomes of the events were drafted by the project partners. In particular, they include:

  • A list of suggestions on the next Agenda’s mandates from adult education providers and civil society of the two regions
  • Proposals for strenghtening the cooperation within the two regions
  • A good practice collection

Central-Eastern Europe – Regional Meeting

Bratislava 15-16.10.2014

Southern Europe – Regional Meeting

Lisbon 23-24.10.2014
