Action Plan
Everyone should have access to lifelong learning and flexible learning pathways. AVA consortium believes that validation is one of the key tools for achieving this. There are numerous European policies and initiatives (A New Skills Agenda for Europe adopted recently by EU, Council Recommendation of 20 December 2012 on the validation of non-formal and informal learning) that drive the implementation of validation systems but nevertheless, the situation remains fragmented. In order to achieve permeability and inclusion (especially for disadvantaged groups), additional efforts will be necessary. The AVA partners therefore put together an evidence-based set of recommendations and an action plan from the point of view of non-formal adult education providers.
The plan includes general and targeted recommendations as well as a plan of action that sets out concrete proposals for implementation, following the logic of the validation process. Nobody is left out: public authorities (national / regional / local levels), the non-formal sector and validation providers, other education providers and NGOs, social partners and the business sector are asked to stand up and take action for better validation arrangements in the EU.
The AVA action plan is available in three languages (EN, FR and DE).