Modules of 2016 course:
- European policies
- Citizenship, democracy and participation
- Life skills for Individuals
- Social cohesion, equity and equality
- Employment and digitalisation
- Migration and demographic changes
- Sustainability
Networking and a Community
- Virtual classrooms for discussion, sharing and tutor support;
- A network of trainers and experts.
Mobility platform
- Coordinated mobility network;
- Mobility charter for host organisations.
For who?
For adult education professionals who…
- want to increase their knowledge about adult education in Europe;
- lack formal training in adult education;
- want to improve their professional skills in adult education;
- want to network with adult educators across Europe;
- want to know more about adult education policy and advocacy on European level
After the course, the participants possess:
- Understanding about adult education on European level;
- A portfolio for the acquired competences to complement national certification;
- A sustainable network across Europe for the exchange of ideas;
- Professionalisation;
- Opportunity to utilise mobilities.