Best practices: policy-makers
The ARALE survey analysed awareness raising activities targeting the policy-makers.
Country | Organisation | Theme | Details |
Germany | Technische Universität Dortmund – Sozialforschungsstelle | HessenCampus | Hessen Campus aims to create partnerships between political institutions, local authorities and schools to facilitate the organisation of adult education on a regional level. |
Germany | LitCam | Literacy conference | LitCam organises conferences about literacy targeting experts, publishers and politicians in the framework of the Frankfurt Book Fair. |
Germany | ZEB Stephansstift | Research project’s results presented to politicians | ZEB Stephansstift presented to policy-makers the results of a research project underlining the benefits of adult education institutions´ work. |
Denmark | DFS/DAEA | Establishing a “Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education” | DFS/DAEA participated in meetings with the government to influence the creation of a research centre for adult education. |
Sweden | Folkbildningsrådet/Swedish National Council of Adult Education | Creation of the document “Folkbildningens Framsyn” with strong input on national policy | A broad dialogue with people active in folk high schools and study associations was created to write a policy document that was the basis for a government bill. |
Sweden | RIO/FOLAC | Letters for change – influencing policy-makers by mails | RIO/FOLAC sends regular newsletters to policy-makers focusing on adult education. The newsletters contain information about how adult education can contribute to current political, societal or educational issues. |
Sweden | SAEA | A bus tour for awareness raising | SAEA organised a bus tour for policy-makers to show them the work of adult education organisations. The bus stops in three different places during one morning, presenting different types of Learning. |