
03.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017, engaging new learners

EAEA awarded excellence in engaging new learners

EAEA has awarded adult education projects in its 14th annual EAEA Grundtvig Awards. The three projects selected were awarded for being successful in engaging new learners.

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15.06.2017 engaging new learners

Re-connecting generations through the intergenerational learning method

ENGAGING NEW LEARNERS. Intergenerational learning is more than just wisdom being passed on from grandparents to their grandchildren.

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12.06.2017 Finale, financing, projects

Adult education has long-term impact on the economy and society at large

In spite of the many best practices that showcase the benefits of adult learning, little research has been done yet to investigate the correlation between adult education and its impact on the economy.

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08.06.2017 life skills, LQN, projects

Training for active citizenship

PROJECT NEWS. The Erasmus+ project Lebensqualität durch Nähe (LQN, Quality of life through proximity) aims at developing and testing a comprehensive qualification programme for committed citizens in rural municipalities.

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05.06.2017 engaging new learners

The progress of e-learning: how technology can benefit and engage new learners?

ENGAGING NEW LEARNERS. As the societies are becoming more divided when it comes to the digitals skills of citizens, the need for the progress of learning methods addressing them grows.

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11.04.2017 LLL interest group

Social inclusion on the table

With the release of a communication on improving and modernising education, the European Commission has presented an ambitious strategy to modernise and increase investment as well as accessibility in the field of education.

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04.04.2017 EAEA members, projects

A strong civil society for better adult education policies in Portugal

While adult education in Europe faces many challenges, there are also great success stories: in 2014, Portuguese adult education associations formed new structures at the national level.

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31.03.2017 AEMA, projects

AEMA makes adult education more accessible

An online meeting place for providers, experts and learners, a self-assessment tool and an accessibility award are some of the products of the three-year AEMA project that is now coming to an end.

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28.03.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

EAEA Grundtvig Award 2017 prize – a replica of a public landmark

This year’s EAEA Grundtvig award winners will receive miniature sculptures of Girona’s city symbols. The call for the award submissions is now open.

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17.03.2017 life skills, LSE, projects

Life skills for Europe

We are living in a changing society. People need new skills to respond to what’s happening around them and get on at work, in learning and in life.

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