
31.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Using fashion to educate about women’s history

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. The SAOL project played a part in helping socially marginalised women gain a renewed sense of their own personal story.

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27.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Dialogic approach to learning as the backbone of the school

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. The Adult School of La Verneda – Sant Marti uses dialogic learning methods and easy-access approach to engage learners.

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25.10.2017 trainings

EAEA Younger Staff Training 2017: From European policy to innovative teaching methods

EAEA Younger Staff Training gathered adult education professionals from around Europe to network and to exchange ideas and challenges on adult education advocacy, communications and cooperation.

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24.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

A play to remember history

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. The Big Wall project used theatre to motivate adults who have been unlucky in education.

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20.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Teachers promoting a new way of communication with learners

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. A Facebook group was a start for a project that resulted in a course for teachers who want to work with student portfolios.

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17.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

A programme to engage hard-to-reach learners

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. To reduce isolation and to help people gain education, the “Engaging the learner” project developed a framework of informal learning.

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13.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Promoting the teaching of Italian language in the world

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. The DITALS Centre created a new tool for teachers of Italian as a Second Language.

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12.10.2017 LEK-AE, professionalisation

LEK-AE curriculum for adult educators tested in Belgium

For adult educators, their work is very often not only a job, but also a passion, and, in many cases, a true vocation. However, in comparison to primary or secondary school teachers, very little is known about this profession and what the work entails. To bridge this gap, the LEK-AE consortium has produced a curriculum to train adult educators and other adult education professionals in communication and public relation work to make this field known. The curriculum was now tested in Belgium.

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10.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Cultural activities in Danube countries

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. Tastes of Danube gathered people distant from formal learning to learn from each other by using a peculiar theme – bread.

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06.10.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Strong network between businesses and NGOs supports migrants

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. The EPIC programme uses its wide networks of businesses and NGOs to help migrants integrate into the Irish society.

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