Centre for Active Ageing supports older adults in their daily tasks.

Activating older people in Belarus

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2018. The Centre for Active Ageing created a new platform for older adults to realize their dreams. Dmitry Klimkovich talks about the idea of the project.

What was the main purpose of this project?

“The main goal of the project ‘Centre for active ageing’ is the creation of a new platform for people of older ages, which helps to realize dreams and ideas, to receive relevant knowledge in more than 50 areas of additional education.”

How did the project foster cooperations and partnerships?

“Thanks to this project, it was possible to establish cooperation with local authorities, private organizations and non-profit organizations. All these organizations have their own resources due to which they managed to make this project.”

We want to share the experience of sustainability.

What was the best practice learnt from this project that you want to share?

“In our opinion, initiatives and projects from Belarus are quite difficult to do without the support of donors. However, upon completion of funding, these projects are completed. We want to share the experience of sustainability, as we used the help of donors and businesses, but after the end of the funding we remained working for the benefit of older people. Now we partially involve the listeners themselves, which allows us to develop further.”

Centre for active ageing

  • Category: National projects
  • Coordinator: Private enterprise “Valuable Capital”
  • Country: Belarus
  • Focus: older people
  • Innovative cooperation: local authorities, private organisations and non-profit organisations
  • Resources: video

Text: EAEAPhotos: EAEA

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