
14.12.2020 UP-AEPRO

Progressing towards an upskilled and reskilled Europe: The UP-AEPRO policy recommendations

After an enriching two-year journey that gathered more than 200 practitioners all over Europe, the partners of the project Upskilling Pathways for Adult Education Professionals (UP-AEPRO) are ready to launch the UP-AEPRO policy recommendations. The recommendations are part of an advocacy toolkit which will support policymakers, organisations and providers working adult education to implement the Upskilling Pathways initiative (UP) in their countries.

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14.12.2020 MASTER, projects

MASTER project tests tools for personal, social and learning competences

MASTER (Measures for Adults to Support Transition to further Education and Re-skilling opportunities) is an Erasmus+ funded project designed to facilitate the participation of low-skilled adults in formal education, training opportunities and in the labour market. Project partners from several European countries tested personal, social and learning competence tools with the aim of testing their usability and adapting them to new groups of learners. 

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09.12.2020 advocacy, LLL interest group, policy

Towards a sustainable European Education Area?

A high-level panel debate during the meeting of the Lifelong Learning Interest Group on 1 December 2020 launched a discussion on key issues related to the European Education Area. The discussion took place virtually during the Lifelong Learning Week 2020 and brought together more than 60 key stakeholders in the education, learning and training sector.

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08.12.2020 country reports, policy

EAEA country reports 2020 published

EAEA is proud to present the 2020 country reports and therewith offer a civil society perspective on the state of adult education in Europe. As announced in 2019, from now on we will publish the country reports in a digital format.

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03.12.2020 access, EAEA Annual Conference, Outreach

EAEA Annual Conference 2020: How do we keep learning during and after the pandemic?

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges, it has also provided new opportunities for adult education: it has highlighted the importance of life skills like health literacy, raised attention to the digital divide and given a push to a greener economy, said the speakers at the EAEA Annual Conference on Outreach and Access.

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02.12.2020 access, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020, Outreach

Improving employment for vulnerable people through basic digital skills

Digital Basics & Code Program provides a streamlined path to employment through digital skills training and the facilitation of professional work experience. The programme participated in EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020 on Outreach and Access.

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25.11.2020 access, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020, Outreach

Learning digital skills starts in communities

Digital Champions for Community Success used a bottom-up approach and direct action in communities to help people to gain practical digital skills and to enhance their life chances. The initiative participated in EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020 on Outreach and Access.

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18.11.2020 access, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020, Outreach

Inclusion of less-involved adults in learning through a learner-centered approach

The main principle of the ‘Development of key competences in Estonian non-formal education centres and folk high schools’ initiative is to always put the learner in the center of activities and offer individual support. The initiative participated in EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020 on Outreach and Access.


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17.11.2020 access, advocacy

New paper explores access to adult learning in rural areas

EAEA has published a new background paper on access to adult learning in rural areas. The paper aims to raise awareness of the barriers and challenges that rural adults face,  as well as the necessity for adult education providers and policy-makers to always take into consideration their unique context and needs.

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11.11.2020 access, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2020, Outreach

Improving social integration of people with disabilities through digital and ICT skills

The principle of the IDA project is to always start from the needs of the people with disabilities. “It is not about doing something FOR them, but WITH them, says Régis Alvin, the coordinator of the IDA project. IDA participated in Grundtvig Award 2020 on Outreach and Access and was recognized as a highly-commendable initiative.

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