
Applications are open for the 2022 Grundtvig Award

Hurray! Our call for applicants for the 2022 Grundtvig Award is now live. This year we are searching for programmes and initiatives dedicated to transformative learning and values in adult education and learning.

Since 2003, EAEA is recognizing adult education projects inside and outside Europe demonstrating innovation and excellence in adult education. The Grundtvig Award highlights projects producing new and innovative ideas, partnerships, methodologies and a understanding of how we can work with adult learners.

We have chosen Transformative Learning and Values as our annual theme, because we want to use global challenges for a positive change. In 2022 we are looking for initiatives that fulfill one or more of the following aims:

  • Support a paradigm shift in our understanding of learning towards an idea of critical thinking rather than content-driven knowledge
  • Further the understanding of each person’s role in society and strengthen their advocacy skills
  • Activate networks and partnerships in ALE to support transformative learning opportunities
  • Support initiatives that foster open-ended learning opportunities detached from any labour market orientation
  • Further the potential of ALE providers to offer transformative learning opportunities

Application deadline is the 14th of April (new deadline). Read more about the Grundtvig Award call 2022!

07.02.2025 Project Design Training

From idea to impact – lessons from Project Design Training

In January 2025, EAEA organised the Project Design training programme, aimed at equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to develop sustainable and impactful projects in the field of Adult Learning and Education (ALE). The training covered key aspects such as funding opportunities, ALE policy, project conceptualisation, work plan development, budgeting, evaluation, and dissemination. Additionally, it fostered collaboration among participants from various countries.

07.02.2025 projects

Towards equitable adult education: Collaboration kicks off in INCLUSIVE-PATH 

The INCLUSIVE-PATH project aims to improve lifelong learning opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by addressing systemic challenges and enhancing educational support. 

05.02.2025 statements

EAEA's response to the shooting in Örebro, Sweden

EAEA remains committed to the right to a safe learning and teaching environment for everyone.