
13.09.2021 skills, statements, sustainability

Sustainable development needs adult learning and education

The entire population of Europe as well as representatives of politics, social partners, and civil society should actively work together to create understanding of climate change and its consequences. The education sector – including non-formal ALE  – must have a permanent seat at the table where the policy decisions are made.

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29.08.2021 Democracy, digitalisation, FuturelabAE, projects

Fostering change-oriented adult education – now it’s time to act!

The FutureLabAE project consortium launches two documents that support the design, implementation, and promotion of change-oriented adult education in Europe.

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28.08.2021 MASTER, projects, social inclusion, trainings

Experiences of the MASTER Transnational Training

The MASTER Transnational Training was held on 19, 20 and 21 July.
The training was part of the MASTERplan, a bridge programme of personalised learning activities, which is one of the objectives of this Erasmus+ project.

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26.08.2021 projects, WIDHT

Change starts at the community level: conclusions from the WIDHT event

In an increasingly interconnected world, how can we “unlearn” our thinking patterns and transition to a system based on solidarity? How can we ensure that everyone’s contribution to society is equally valued? These were some of the issues brought up at the WIDHT event 6 July.

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20.08.2021 INTALL

From necessity to new opportunities – how to make most of online training

Moving teaching activities and exchanges online has become a necessity for all of us. At an EAEA event we heard how the Adult Education Academy in Wuertzburg, Germany was organised online for the first time, and what were the key success factors to learn from. We also heard about the experiences of an innovative online course for adult educators in Austria.

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23.07.2021 funding, statements

A critical reflection on Individual Learning Accounts

EAEA answered the open Consultation on Individual Learning Accounts (ILA) launched by the European Commission by having a critical look at the pros and cons of ILA. The ILA do have the potential to function as a constitution of entitlement and right to adult education, however, they can also include some risks, especially if not implemented correctly.

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23.07.2021 funding, micro-credentials, statements

The perils and potential of micro-credentials for ALE

Micro-credentials have the potential to be a tool that can boost access and participation to lifelong learning. They might even attract a larger and more diverse number of learners. However, they also bear certain risks that need to be taken into consideration.

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07.07.2021 Erasmus+, MASTER, projects, social inclusion, trainings

An update on MASTER project activities

MASTER project is moving forward with the preparation of MASTER plan of tailored learning activities on Personal, Social and Learning to Learn competences. On 19, 20 & 21 July, the partnership will organise a Transnational Learning Activity to exchange ideas and dive deeper into the plan.

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02.07.2021 EAEA General Assembly

Report from the General Assembly

Last week was busy week at EAEA. EAEA members gathered for a virtual General Assembly, we welcomed new members and elected a new Executive Board. In addition we organised the FuturelabAE final conference together with the project partners. Take a look at our report from the events!

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01.07.2021 Democracy, digitalisation, FuturelabAE

From a repair shop to a collaborative workshop – fostering change-oriented education

Adult learning has an important role to play in promoting transformation and renewing democracy in our society. It’s time to recognise the wider benefits and support the holistic approach of adult learning, said the speakers of the FuturelabAE final conference, which was held on June, the 23rd.

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