
Comprehensive changes needed in the Digital Education Action Plan

In response to European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) for 2021-2027, EAEA calls for significant reforms to ensure that digital initiatives effectively serve all learners.

Read EAEA’s Position Paper on the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) (pdf)

EAEA views the Digital Education Action Plan as a crucial tool for advancing digitalisation in education. The structured consultations and involvement of diverse stakeholders have been one of the strong points of the DEAP in promoting a more comprehensive and inclusive digital education ecosystem.

However, there is still a critical need to strengthen the focus on non-formal learning within the DEAP. The emphasis of the strategy tends to remain on formal education, with non-formal learning often appearing as an add-on rather than as an integral part of the strategy.

EAEA stresses the need for the following improvements:

  • Prioritise non-formal education: Enhance the focus on non-formal learning, which plays a pivotal role in reaching people in contexts of systemic exclusion, offering flexible learning opportunities that are often unavailable in formal settings.
  • Address digital skills gap: Invest in digital infrastructure and skills training for educators, particularly within non-formal education.
  • Evaluate impact: critically evaluate the true impact of digital interventions on learners’ lives.
  • Concerns with private partnerships: Emphasise that partnerships with private entities should prioritise educational needs over profit, especially for vulnerable groups.
  • Address foundational skills: Highlight the importance of tackling both digital and non-digital skills gaps to prevent widening inequalities.

Only through this nuanced approach can digital education foster inclusive and sustainable learning environments for all.

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