
Fraud attempt in EAEA’s name

Attention! We have noticed that there has been a fraud attempt in EAEA’s name.

Some member organisations have received letters asking for a money transfer to EAEA. Don’t trust these messages and please contact us before making any money transfers in EAEA’s name.

Gina Ebner
Secretary General, EAEA

EAEA contact details

11.03.2025 access

Future directions for gender mainstreaming in education and employment

The MOVE-UP initiative developed a flexible and quality upskilling pathway for unemployed women who are dedicating most of their time and efforts to the role of mother and who are in need to (re) join education activities and the job market.

10.03.2025 adult educators

Why adult educators’ well-being matters for education quality

EAEA’s new background paper explores the factors influencing adult educators’ well-being and its impact on education quality. The paper highlights key challenges, such as low professional status and heavy workloads, while proposing strategies for improvement.

28.02.2025 green transition

The SMALEI Final Conference: Empowering Adult Learning and Education for a Sustainable Future

The SMALEi conference provided a vital platform for discussing the role of adult learning and education (ALE) in fostering sustainability. Bringing together policymakers, ALE institutions, practitioners, civil society representatives, and lifelong learning experts, the conference focused on equipping institutions with the tools and frameworks necessary to contribute to Europe's sustainability goals.