
Meet the candidates for the EAEA Executive Board and President 2021-23

The Executive Board and President will be elected by the General Assembly 22 June 2021.

You can now consult the names and profiles of candidates for the EAEA Executive Board and President on our website: EAEA Executive Board nominees 2021

Executive Board and its preparatory body the Bureau (President, Vice presidents and Secretary General) are responsible for the overall direction and policy development of EAEA. According to the constitution, a member can sit in the board or be elected president no more than three consecutive terms. EAEA Executive Board can include between 10 and 12 members, including the President.

EAEA ordinary members will vote for the candidates at the General Assembly 22 June. If you represent an ordinary member, please take your time deciding who you will vote on behalf of your organisation. Voting will take place via ElectionBuddy on the day of the General Assembly.

Remember also to register to be able to participate and vote in the GA! Should you have any questions about the General Assembly, voting or your rights as a member, do not hesitate to contact Aleksandra Kozyra at EAEA, aleksandra.kozyra (at) eaea.org.

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