
Let’s get our hands dirty! A new EAEA background report on greening adult learning and education

Time is moving quickly, and anything around the term “sustainability” has gained widespread attention in the past years. From the dinner table to the Sunday night talk show and into our local adult education centres, sustainability is arriving at the centre stage of many European societies. What is at stake and what are our pathways to advocacy for a sustainable future for all?

“We are not in the same boat – we are in the same storm,” states a new report published by EAEA, analysing European and international perspectives on adult learning and education (ALE) and sustainability. Arguing that the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has showcased how important political will is in transforming societies, the report makes a compelling case for more advocacy at all levels to achieve a just and fair recovery.

Looking at key initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the Green Deal and the European Skills Agenda, the report takes stock of the policy commitments and achievements, with particular attention paid to possible links to non-formal adult learning and education. A call to action offers inspiration to those who would like to increase their efforts in advocacy for more sustainable, fair, holistic and inclusive education.

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17.06.2024 EAEA Grundtvig Award 2024

Smartfood initiative and ADELE project win 2024 EAEA Grundtvig Awards

MEDIA RELEASE. EAEA has awarded adult education projects in its 21th annual Grundtvig Awards. This year’s award celebrated The Power of Adult Learning: Transforming Lives, Communities and Society.

16.05.2024 projects

Enhancing access to adult learning opportunities: EAEA’s RALExILA project on registries for adult learning and education

The RALExILA project aims to develop an integrated information system for national registries in Adult Learning and Education (ALE). By creating an information model that includes quality assurance and governance frameworks, the project's vision is to improve access to ALE opportunities.

08.03.2024 projects

Sharing and learning from national initiatives for Upskilling Pathways

The Partner UP project organised a development group on February 27, 2024, to enhance cooperation and trust-building among stakeholders for the implementation of the Upskilling Pathways recommendation. The online meeting aimed to provide participants with a space to share their upskilling initiatives, facilitate peer learning, and potentially establish correlations.