
State-of-play report on basic skills development in Europe

In the framework of the BLUESS project, coordinated by the State Vocational Education Institute in Slovakia, EAEA has drafted a report that looks at basic skills policy and practice in Europe, focusing on non-formal adult learning and education. The report is now available!

The newly published report offers a comprehensive look into various policy initiatives in Europe, with special attention paid to the implementation of Upskilling Pathways. Bringing non-formal adult learning into focus, the document also discusses how adult learning providers in Europe have contributed to improving basic skills among European citizens. From initiatives targeting specifically literacy, numeracy or digital skills, to those that look at learning holistically, the report provides insight into how various European countries – in the EU and beyond – have been helping their citizens move up in their personal and professional lives.

In addition to the report, EAEA has drafted an infonote that looks at the principles and steps of the Upskilling Pathways initiative, and their implementation in Europe.

The publication has been drafted with the support of the EaSi programme, within the framework of BLUESS: Blueprint for basic skills development in Slovakia, a project coordinated by the State Vocational Education Institute in Slovakia.

Consult the project results:

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