The report, published by the WIDHT consortium, analysed community development through migrant women in five European countries.

New data collection on how migrant women can become champions of learning to live together

As a reaction to the existing challenges in the inclusion of migrants in their new host countries, organisations from several European countries decided to come together to shed light on the contributions of migrant women to their diaspora communities, and to reflect on how their activities could be encouraged and further supported. The project WIDHT (Women In Diaspora communities as champions of learning to live TogetHer) unites organisations from Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Finland, and Belgium.

The project is rooted in several principles: 1) creation of networks; 2) outreach; 3) capacity-building; 4) learner-centred approach and 5) gender dimension. The five principles were derived from research on existing inclusion projects in the involved countries that were considered successful.

The consortium is happy to share the first product of the project: a data collection on how women use their experiences and linguistic knowledge to help newcomers in diaspora communities adapt to the local culture and the new language.

Download the publication.

Text: WIDHTPhotos: Canva

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