A new project offers start-up opportunities for people living in Romanian diaspora.

Start-up grants available for Romanians in diaspora

Romania Home – Diaspora Start Up project aims to boost entrepreneurial activities and encourage self-employment in Romania by offering start-up opportunities for Romanians living abroad.

Romania Home – Diaspora Start Up project calls for Romanians living abroad – in diaspora – to apply for a grant for the development of a start-up enterprise.

The three-year project, partnered by the EAEA member organisation Euro Adult Education Association, gives the opportunity to the Romanian people, who have been living abroad in the last 12 months, to start up a business in Romania, in the Center Region. Candidates are invited to propose a business plan of which the grant receivers will be chosen from.

After the selection of the business plans, 26 people will receive a grant of 30.769 Euro per business for the development and the sustanability of the entrepresis.

The objective of the project is the development of the entrepreneurial skills of 200 of people from the Center Region in order to encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment. It aims at stimulating the establishment of 26 new non-agricultural companies in the urban area and creating 52 new jobs.

The costs related to the participation in the activities will be covered from the project budget.

The project accepts online registrations to apply for the grant until 16 February 2018.

The project is implemented through the European Social Fond Programme and co-financed through the Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020.

More information

Text: Euro Adult Education AssociationPhotos: © European Communities, 2002 / Source: EC - Audiovisual Service

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