
Live and Learn videos: a screening takes place in Brussels

With the Live and Learn project coming to an end next month, the consortium is ready to present the results: videos about European learners and educators. A recent screening in Brussels introduced the videos to European organisations active in the non-profit sector.

The project goal consists of raising awareness about non-formal adult education by presenting authentic teaching methods. An original criterion has been chosen in order to share best practices among adult educators along with the achievement of the Live & Learn purpose: by means of videos. Hence, one concrete and accomplished result of the project was a production of a total of eight videos where admirable and personal learning stories of adult learners are told.

Live and Learn screening: European organisations invited

An efficient dissemination of those videos has a key role in the success of Live & Learn. The latest screening took place in the Mundo-J building in Brussels on Monday 12th of July. This time the objective was to reach out to a specific target group: European associations and NGOs working in the field of adult education, lifelong learning, development policy and education in general. The screening was followed by a brief discussion about the different stories presented and the pathways that adult education can take.

The videos will now be widely accessible, all together pursuing adult educators, policy makers and the general public. Check the EAEA website and Facebook page in the coming weeks to learn more about specific videos.

Text: Cristina Danna

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