
Videos that inspire learning and teaching

How can we increase participation in adult learning in Europe? How can we share best practices among adult educators? The project “Live and Learn” wants to address these needs by producing videos that show adult learners and educators as inspirational figures for learning and teaching.

The videos – each between 6 and 8 minutes long – tell the stories of adult learners and educators and their personal learning and teaching pathway.

“The general public is one of our target groups in the project. The viewers of these short videos will be able to identify with the learners and get inspired to engage in learning themselves,” explains Markus Palmén, whose organisation The Finnish Lifelong learning Foundation – KVS, also an EAEA member, is the project coordinator.

“A central message that we want to convey in the videos is that adult learning happens in many different forms and does not always require a classroom. It has real benefits for everybody and can even bring self-fulfillment to those that are learning and teaching.”


Collecting best practices in video making

“Shooting the videos in Denmark was really challenging and a great learning experience for me and my organisation,” says Michael Voss from the project partner and EAEA member Danish Adult Education Association – DAEA.

“We have learnt to write scripts and to think about interesting angles in terms of approaching the contents of the videos and planning the camera work at the actual video shoot. Our aim was to show the ‘real’ persons behind the learners and adult educators, and not a fictional product.”

At the meeting, the project partners have collected their best practices of the video making process. These best practices will feed into guidelines for other organisations that would like to use videos as a tool to increase participation in learning and raise awareness about adult education. They will be shared as one of the outcomes of the project.

Live and Learn project

  • 10 videos will be produced in Finland, Germany, UK, Denmark and Portugal.
  • The final versions of the videos will be available later in 2016.
  • The project partners:

Text: Raffaela KihrerPhotos: Live and Learn project

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