
Regional cooperation in adult education is needed

The RENEWAL project aims to strengthen the European Agenda for Adult Learning in the Southern and Central-Eastern regions of Europe. The consortium is pleased to launch the two regional meetings’ reports, final products of the project.

In the framework of the RENEWAL project, two regional meetings were organised: one in Bratislava (15-16th of October 2014) and one in Lisbon (23-24th October 2014). The meetings offered an arena for civil society representatives and providers to debate on the European Agenda  and set the basis for a cooperation between stakeholders in the two regions.

Participants found the meeting very useful because it provided them with the possibility to express their opinions on such an important European initiative and to share their proposals on how to stregthen adult education in their countries. The key message from both meetings was that regional cooperation would benefit adult education. Participants underlined that especially in topics such as professionalisation of trainers, quality of and participation in adult learning, a regional cooperation should be encouraged.  The EAEA Board will discuss their suggestions and work on them further through a task force.

The two reports launched today summarise the discussion points and highlight the main recommendations of the participants in order to make the meetings’ discussions visible for other stakeholders in these regions and in the EU. In particular, the reports include:

  • Proposals for strengthening the cooperation within the two regions
  • A list of suggestions for the next Agenda’s mandates
  • A good practice collection
  • The speakers’ insights on the situation of adult education in Europe
  • A summary of the main messages of the RENEWAL state of the art report
  • Feedback on the RENEWAL project

The reports were written by Susana Oliveira from the Portuguese organisation Kerigma and Klaudius Silhar from the Slovak organisation AIVD. The RENEWAL meeting reports are available in different languages (EN, FR, DE, PT and SK): take a look at the dedicated page of the RENEWAL website.

Text: EAEAPhotos: EAEA

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