UP-AEPRO addresses the constant need and interest of adult education (AE) trainers and staff to learn more about European developments in adult education and other countries’ systems and innovation. In particular, the project contributes to deepening the knowledge and fostering the discussion about the recently launched European strategy in adult education, the Upskilling Pathways initiative (UP).

Aims and objectives of the project

UP-AEPRO aims at

  • Increasing the knowledge about the Upskilling Pathways initiative and other Lifelong Learning policies at the European level
  • Allowing the exchange of innovation across Europe on the Upskilling Pathways initiative related topics
  • Improving quality, professionalisation, and capacity building of AE staff and providers
  • Supporting UP-AEPRO learners and partners to develop online learning and introduce ICT tools into their daily work
  • Increasing the intercultural skills of AE trainers and staff
  • Strengthening the cooperation with peers and policy-makers in their countries and in Europe
  • Improving the UP initiative implementation at different levels by enabling AE trainers and staff (and the organisations for which they work) to be involved


  • AE organisations and providers will able to increase their advocacy skills and to feel empowered in being involved in the initiative’s implementation.
  • The project will also provide them with the opportunity of an enriching deepening and exchange about their organisations’ and members states’ practices on the three steps of the initiative.
  • Participants will thus increase their professionalisation as well as the quality of their offer.




A transnational learning activity, involving AE organisations staff and participants in the online course, took place in Brussels (Belgium), in September 2019.


A final conference aimed at presenting all the UP-APRO outputs to AE organisations and their staff, policy-makers, learners was foreseen in Portugal in June 2020. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the event took place online on the 20th of November 2020.
