State of the Art Report


The RENEWAL survey was launched by the project consortium in May 2014 and closed in June 2014. It had the purpose to understand the respondents’ awareness of the Adult Learning Agenda’s and their opinions about its impact on the Adult Education sector in their countries.

Furthermore, it aimed to discover the respondents’ views on the existing civil society structures at the national level and the stakeholders’ willingness to foster the cooperation within the country ad in the two regions. More than 120 adult education representatives and providers from Southern Europe and Central-Eastern Europe.

RENEWAL State of art report

Survey responses, together with in-depth interviews, served as basis to produce a state-of-the-art report on the implementation of the Adult Learning Agenda in the two regions.

The report aims to propose a first analysis of main challenges, developments and issues on the implementation of the agenda in Southern Europe and Central Eastern Europe. It contains an insight about the activities undertaken in each of the concerned countries ad how those were perceived by the civil society and the adult education providers; underlines challenges and needs of the AE providers and civil society in the two regions; and provides a list of suggestions as well as some interesting good practice that could be used for the next mandates of the Agenda’s implementation.

To download the RENEWAL state of the art report, click on the language version of your choice: EN, DE, FR, PT, SK. To receive a printed copy of the guidelines in EN, please contact the EAEA project officer at francesca.operti [at]

ANNEXES to the RENEWAL state of the art report (I, II)

The content of the report served as basis of discussion and exchange on how this European Commission’s initiative could be further developed to strengthen adult education in the two regions. The recommendations drawn from this discussion were debated with and presented to the national coordinators of the relevant countries and the European Commission.
