DISCOVERPEACE – project about peace trails in Berlin, Budapest, Manchester, Paris, The Hague, Torino and Vienna – to make people aware of the importance of peace
Raising Peace – from Grassroots actions To Global Campaigns Promoting Peace and Human Rights
Remember for the Future – history project that aimed to foster critical thinking, respect for diversity and tolerance towards otherness
Mainstreaming Peace Education – learning partnership that aims to develop a coherent transnational approach to peace education as an element in adult lifelong learning fostering active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, gender equality and social cohesion in Europe
TOWARDS PEACE – project that aims to promote peace in Europe
The Book of Plans Hopes and Dreams – project that invites young people to record their own ideas in memory of those whose lives were cut short by the First World War
Joint History Project – an ongoing, social, political and educational initiative that begun under the auspices of the CDRSEE in 1999, aiming at an informed, significant and realistic change in historical research and education in all countries of Southeast Europe
European Crossroads – EHISTO (European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education) is concerned with the mediation of history in popular (science) media and the question of social and political responsibility of journalists and other mediators of history in the field of commercial presentation of history
Ghosts of History – a collection of digital artists from around the world. Taking images of old and blending them with the new.
New WW1 Online Learning Resource – IWM (Imperial War Museums)’s new online learning resource for teachers, looking at Life in the Trenches during the First World War
EFG1914 – project for digitising film from and about the First World War
EUROPEANA 1914-1918 – collection of interactive material from three major European projects
La Grande Guerre – A Global History of World War I – blog that presents the activities of the Max Weber Foundation’s Institutes in preparation of the First World War Centenary in 2014 (articles also in French and German)
World War I Centenary – Open Educational Resource supporting new directions in teaching World War I
World War I – Resources for teaching, learning and research
To End All Wars – project to create an educational comic about WWI
1914 – Tag für Tag– Multimediale Website, die in Zusammenarbeit von der Tageszeitung “Die Zeit” und dem deutsch-französischen Fernsehsender ARTE gestaltet wird, beschreibt den Alltag der Menschen im Jahr 1914 bis zum Ausbruch des Krieges. Unter dem Stichwort “Bildung” können BesucherInnen der Website auch viel über das Bildungswesen kurz vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg erfahren
Nie wieder Krieg! – project and exhibition about the European Union as the most sustainable peace project of modern times
WAR WAS? – history competition “Heimat im Ruhrgebiet” about places of remembrance and memories
LA GRANDE GUERRA 1914-1918 – I diari raccontano – a project that can be seen as a new meeting point between archival work and journalism, an extremely user-friendly editorial that brings a new public closer to the use of unpublished content