EAEA (Coordinator) – BE
is a European NGO with 126 member organisations from 42 countries working in the fields of adult learning.
The main roles of EAEA include the promotion of lifelong learning at a European level, the development of development of practice through projects, publications and training as well as the provision of information and services on adult learning. EAEA promotes adult learning and the widening of access and participation in formal, non-formal and informal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented.
is an institution for innovation and social development in Barcelos, Portugal. It is a not for profit organisation whose mission is to promote innovation, training and social development of the region and its people through social and training activities. Kerigma involves the following sectors: a centre of accreditation of knowledge and competence acquired outside formal education (in non formal or informal contexts). It works like an “open door” for any training process for all adults in Portugal.
Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD) is a non-governmental, apolitical, non-profit, voluntary organisation. AIVD has currently more than 50 members which include institutions of adult education and devoted individuals. The mission of the Association is to enhance the exchange among its members and to promote their common interests in accordance with the needs of Slovakia. AIVD is the publisher of the journal Adult Education (Vzdelávanie dospelých).