The implOED consortium brings together 11 organisations from as many countries.
EAEA – European Association for the Education of Adults
The Network for Outreach Empowerment Diversity is coordinated by EAEA – the European Association for the Education of Adults. EAEA is a European NGO with around 137 member organisations in 44 countries working in the field of adult learning.
Dafni Kentro Epaggelmatikis Katartisis DAFNI KEK (Greece)
DAFNI KEK basically plans and implements actions and learning activities targeting to social disadvantaged population and groups at risk ( unemployed, single mothers, rural habitants, migrants and Roma) responding to the Official Calls either in National and European Level or in local area by organizing workshops on active consciousness.
Educational Disadvantage Centre EDC, St. Patrick´s College, Drumcondra, A College of Dublin City University (Ireland)
The Educational Disadvantage Centre (EDC), located within the Faculty of Education, St. Patrick´s College aims to contribute to best practice in national and international policy regarding the implications of social and economic disadvantage on education.
Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association (Estonia)
ENAEA is the umbrella organization for adult education organizations/providers (74). ENAEA is a social partner for Ministry of Education and Research.
FOLAC – Learning for Active Citizenship (Sweden)
From Kiruna, in the north of Sweden, to Malmö in the south, there are in total 150 free schools for adults, so called folk high schools.
La Ligue de l´Enseignement (France)
La Ligue de l´enseignement gathers more than 30,000 associations in 102 departmental and 22 regional federations in France with the common aim of training responsible citizens who will fulfill their duties, make full use of their rights and be active in society reinforcing its democratic, humanist and social character. These associations also work collectively against all inequalities in order to discuss and build a fairer and more independent society.
lernraum Wien (Austria) – Institute for Multilingualism, Integration and Education is the research department of the Wiener Volkshochschulen (VHS Wien).
KERIGMA – Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social (Portugal)
KERIGMA is an association for innovation and social development in Barcelos, Portugal, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to promote innovation on education, social development and sustainability of the region and its people
The Learning and Work Institute – L&W (England and Wales)
NIACE´s strategic plan commits us to supporting an increase in the numbers of adults engaged in formal and informal learning in England and Wales, in Europe and across the world.
Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen (Spain)
The Roma Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen is a non-profit organization created in 1999 by Roma and non-Roma women with different characteristics and backgrounds (age, academic level, job, etc.).
Solidarci- Associazione Solidarci Caserta (Italy)
Solidarci Caserta is an association that works in the field of Culture, Sociability, Solidarity, Human Rights, Education, for the promotion of human and civil practices.
The Finnish Lifelong learning Foundation, KVS (Finland)
Kansanvalistusseura, The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation – KVS – supports learning and builds a society of learners by offering expertise and services. The foundation, established in 1874, cooperates with a wide variety of adult education stakeholders in Finland and internationally.