European Association for the Education of Adults
The project is coordinated by the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). EAEA is a European NGO with 123 member organisations in 42 countries and represents more than 60 million learners Europe-wide. EAEA has the purpose to link and represent European organisations directly involved in adult learning. EAEA promotes adult learning and access to and participation in non-formal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented.
Kerigma is an institution for innovation and social development in Barcelos, Portugal. It is a not for profit organisation whose mission is to promote innovation, training and social development of the region and its people through social and training activities. Kerigma involves the following sectors: a centre of accreditation of knowledge and competence acquired outside formal education (in non formal or informal contexts). It works like an “open door” for any training process for all adults in Portugal.
Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen
The Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres consists of a federal association, 9 regional associations and 270 adult education centres. The VÖV together with its Educational Work and Research Unit (Pädagogische Arbeits- und Forschungsstelle, PAF), regards itself as a co-ordination centre for activities relevant to educational policy and pedagogics in Austrian Adult Education Centres and also as a service centre for its member organisations, the regional associations.
Learn for Life – Dutch Platform for International Adult Learning
Learn for Life is a network organization and a platform for local, regional and national organizations active in the broad field of non-formal education. LEARN FOR LIFE supports local and regional organisations and governments in the Netherlands in the development and shaping of their internationalisation policy with regard to non-formal education.
Asociatia “EUROED”
‘EUROED: Euro Adult Education Association’ was set up in 2005, having as main objective the promotion at European standards of VET and of long life learning politics on the Romanian market.
Nordic Network for Adult Learning
NVL coordinates 12 expert and thematic networks and working groups, which have been set up based on the Nordic priority areas and have been commissioned to carry out mapping studies, comparative analyses, to produce reports and organize their discussion and dissemination. The network mandates are related to competence and capacity building as well as policy development.