Jour Fixe

The AVA jour fixe took place in Vienna, Austria, on the 13th October 2015. The conference was organised by the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres (VÖV) and gathered Austrian and international participants from more than ten countries.

Read the final programme

Watch the pictures of the event

Below you can find their presenations (audio and PPT) of the four experts from the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Denmark who were invited to share their national experiences on validation.

  • The Netherlands – Tijs Pijls, Dutch Knowledge Centre APL: How does validation function in The Netherlands? Who can validate their competences? What’s the impact of validation? (Audio)

  • Nordic countries: Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning: the Nordic quality model for the implementation of validation, developed and used by the Nordic expert network on validation (Audio)

  • Portugal – Dora Redruello, Cerebral Palsy Association of Coimbra (APCC): Standards, processes, impacts of validation for people with disabilities in Portugal (Audio)

  • Romania – Georgeta Pelcea, Romanian National Authority for Qualification: Assessment and certification of competences acquired in informal and non-formal learning contexts and the occupational standards in Romania (Audio)


Participants asked the experts to list the strong and weak points of each system and engaged in a discussion around their sustainability and inclusivity. Main challenges at this stage are the lack of permeability (between labour-market and education or within sectors of the latter) and fragmentation (between policy and its implementation, or among practices).

Read and contribute to the discussion via Twitter (#actionforvalidation)
