
Remembering for the Future project collected activities connected to World War I remembrance. Here are some of the events collected.



Here you can find all information concerning the “Remembering for the Future” conference in Sarajevo, 13-14 November 2014.

The conference in Sarajevo combined discussions and presentations on World War I remembrance and the role of adult education in peace and conflict resolution.

At the conference we reflected on what remembrance means for adult education in today’s Europe. We debated the role of adult education for peace and conflict resolution. The programme included key note speakers, interactive sessions such as a world café and a gallery walk, as well as a guided history walk through Sarajevo.

The Sarajevo conference also served as an arena for the handing over of the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2014. Conference participants witnessed the Grundtvig Award Ceremony and learned more about the best projects of 2014 during the gallery walk.

