AEMA – Adult Education Made Accessible 
The AEMA-Network consists of twelve organisations from eleven European Countries. It aims at contributing to an increased participation rate of people with disabilities in Adult Education; increasing the number of Adult Education providers who make a publicly visible commitment to increasing Accessibility in their own organisations; and developing sustainable national and European networks committed in moving the Accessibility Agenda further.
EDU-FIN – Financial Literacy for young adults at risk 
Financial literacy is especially low among certain demographic groups. One of these collectives is young adults at risk. EDU-FIN aims to establish a learning curriculum on financial education based on the contribution of young adults at risk which will allow to meet their real needs on financial literacy.
Live & Learn 
The project is inspired by two observations, shared by most European education policy documents and relevant studies. Firstly, there is a clear need to increase participation in adult education across Europe; and secondly, new ways of sharing best practices among European adult educators must be found. We want to address these needs in an innovative way: through the medium of videos.
The European Literacy Policy Network ELINET was initiated to gather and analyze policy information; exchange policy approaches, good practice, and initiatives and raise awareness of the importance of acting now to reduce the number of children, young people and adults with low literacy skills by 2020. ELINET is formed of 79 partner organizations from 28 countries.
ROM-ACT – Widening Roma women´s access to non-formal and informal learning validation systems
The aim of ROM-ACT is to widen recognition of the skills and competences that the Roma community has acquired in formal and non-formal activities and to encourage centres for adult education and civil society organizations to support non-academic Roma women in their process of informal and non-formal learning validation.
InfoNet III – InfoNet Adult Education
European InfoNet Adult is a network in the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programm which aims at disseminating information and reporting on trends, project/research results, developments, best practice and news in the area of adult education from all European member states as well as EU institutions is the core activity and objective of the unique journalistic service “European InfoNet Adult Education”.
Know your lifestyle – Introducing Sustainable Consumption in 2nd-chance education
The project has the purpose to introduce global education in the second chance courses, to create an innovative pedagogical approach for discussing sustainable consumption and globalisation with second chance students and to establish a strong thematic network among Adult Education Centres and NGOS about development education.
BeLL – Benefits of Lifelong Learning
This is the first project to collect comparative quantitative and qualitative data on measurable individual benefits of participation in adult education. The empirical data will provide guidance for policymakers, increasing the visibility of adult education in political discourse and encouraging investment in a frequently marginalized form of education.
ENIL – European Network for Intergenerational Learning
The main aim of the European Network in Intergenerational Learning is to promote Intergenerational Learning (IGL) by bringing together and supporting sustainable, effective practice in the field and by facilitating the exchange of ideas and expertise beyond individual projects, and by creating a mechanism for practitioners to influence policy and practice.
GO-ACT – Generations in actions – the role of intergenerational learning in active ageing
The GO-ACT project focuses on intergenerational learning in different fields, such as adult education, working life, early year´s education, and intercultural contexts. – is a project promoting multilingualism in Europe. It was originated from the work of the Civil Society Platform on Multilingualism, which has been working for more than a year on behalf of the European Commission on the situation of multilingualism in the fields of Education, Linguistic Diversity and Social Cohesion, Translation and Terminology, and Language Policy.
GINCO – Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers
Professional development of all staff in adult education is seen to be a decisive factor in the quality of adult education. The European Grundtvig programme supports international mobility activities for in-service training for adult educators and the development of international training courses that meet LifeLong Learning Programme (LLP) priorities. These actions are set up in support to improving access to a rich and varied provision of adult education training with a European scope.
PALADIN – Promoting Active Learning and Ageing of Disadvantaged Seniors
The PALADIN project intended to contribute to the empowerment of disadvantaged seniors through the development of their readiness for self-directed learning.
Eda Edu – System in Action for Study Circles in Vocational Training
Eda Edu aimed at developing competences for trainers concerning transfer of innovation in SMEs through the use of Study Circles. It is targeted on organisations of VET system and SMEs.
ADD LIFE – ADDing quality of LIFE through intergenerational learning via universities
ADD LIFE aimed at developing university modules for non-traditional students, especially senior citizens, providing an inter-generational learning setting. It gathered six full partners and seven associate partners and was coordinated by the University of Graz, Austria
DILLLMULI – Dissemination of Lifelong Learning Activities in Museums- and Library-Projects
The project started from the belief that Libraries, Museums & Galleries and Cultural Centres are places for Lifelong Learning. It focused on some particular aspects of them: Access and widening participation strategies, innovative methodologies and strategies for the dissemination of outcomes and elements to be included in the continuing professional development of their staff.
The MOVE project focused on mutual recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering amongst different stakeholders from the voluntary sector, business, formal education and government as well as accreditation bodies. It brought together a variety of stakeholders with their tools and experiences in the field of identifying, accessing and recognizing these skills.