Ich-will-deutsch-lernen.de, a tool contributed by the EAEA, is a free of charge online learning portal with more than 11,500 exercises available. It provides German language courses from level A1 to B1, as well as a wide range of exercises for literacy training and learning the Roman script in order to increase the users’ linguistic competence and literacy skills in German as a second language. The ‘vocational training’ section includes 30 scenarios with a range of practice material for job-related communication up to level B2. All the exercises are scenario based.

Picture 1: Intergration course in Bingen
Learners improve their language skills in German without taking a class from any place in the world. From a tutor who helps, gives feedback on the learning process and provides correction of sent-in exercises and texts, learners in the portal are encouraged to collect knowledge and skills.
The applicability of the innovative tool for the development of Life Skills
The portal is suitable for beginners and advanced learners. It can be used either in language classes or independently by learners. Materials and tools can be used for differentiated learning in heterogeneous German language classes and/or for self-directed learning everywhere in the world, in this case, supported by DVV-tutors (tutors from the German Adult Education Association). Institutions for adult education can use the portal as a blended learning instrument and set up online courses to support their own

Picture 2: Homepage of ‘Ich-will-deutsch- classes. lernen.de’ online learning portal
The tool provides the first and only digital ‘German integration course’ (A1-B1), funded by the state and used as a controlled pillar in the field of the integration of immigrants. In addition, ‘Ich will Deutsch lernen’ is the only officially accredited digital learning material in ‘integration courses’.