Arale-Database-Policy makers

How to raise awareness on adult education toward policy-makers?





GermanyTechnische Universität Dortmund – SozialforschungsstelleHessenCampus Hessen Campus aims to create partnerships between political institutions, local authorities and schools to facilitate the organisation of adult education on a regional level.
GermanyLitCamLiteracy conferenceLitCam organises conferences about literacy targeting experts, publishers and politicians in the framework of the Frankfurt Book Fair.
GermanyZEB StephansstiftResearch project’s results presented to politiciansZEB Stephansstift presented to policy-makers the results of a research project underlining the benefits of adult education institutions´ work.
DenmarkDFS/DAEAEstablishing a “Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education”DFS/DAEA participated in meetings with the government to influence the creation of a research centre for adult education.
SwedenFolkbildningsrådet/Swedish National Council of Adult EducationCreation of the document “Folkbildningens Framsyn” with strong input on national policyA broad dialogue with people active in folk high schools and study associations was created to write a policy document that was the basis for a government bill.
SwedenRIO/FOLACLetters for change – influencing policy-makers by mailsRIO/FOLAC sends regular newsletters to policy-makers focusing on adult education. The newsletters contain information about how adult education can contribute to current political, societal or educational issues.
SwedenSAEAA bus tour for awareness raisingSAEA organised a bus tour for policy-makers to show them the work of adult education organisations. The bus stops in three different places during one morning, presenting different types of learning.