Fostering Personal, Intercultural, Social and Citizenship Competences for Lifelong Learning to Empower Migrant Adult Learners

The PRISCILA project was created to foster personal, intercultural, social and citizenship competencies for lifelong learning in order to empower migrant adult learners. This project is a collaboration of six organisations dedicated to supporting adult education and learning through various methods. The project coordinator La Xixa works on the research, development and multiplication of embodied methods and tools for skill-building of learners and trainers.
Objectives and values
We are a multidisciplinary and multicultural group of collaborators trained in the field of social
sciences, pedagogy and art. We carry out workshops for diverse groups, training of trainers and artistic actions at local and international level around five main axes.
- Coexistence and active citizenship
- Interculturality, racism, xenophobia and social inclusion
- Education, school dropout, prevention of risky behaviours among young people
- Gender, equality policies and sexual diversity
- Heritage, sustainability and the fight against climate change
1. WorkPackage 1 | Includes communication and dissemination activities that will promote the project and its activities to the target groups and stakeholders. These activities are designed to encourage participation and civic engagement by providing information about the project, its objectives, and the benefits that the project can bring to migrant adult learners and the wider community. |
2. WorkPackage 2 | It will develop the PRISCILA method and pilot reports through a co-creation process with migrant adult learners. This process is designed to encourage active participation and engagement of migrant learners in the development of the method and to ensure that it is adapted to their needs and preferences. This approach will also help to promote a sense of ownership and empowerment among the migrant learners, which will encourage them to become more active and engaged in their own learning process. |
3. WorkPackage 3 | It will develop the PRISCILA guide for quality provision and recognition through micro-credentials, designed to provide a clear and structured pathway for learning and certification, to encourage participation and civic engagement by providing a tangible and valuable outcome for migrant adult learners. |
4. WorkPackages 4 and 5 | It will focus on capacity building for trainers (handbook and workshops) and on the multiplication of the project results, to encourage participation and civic engagement by creating a network of trainers who can provide high-quality learning opportunities for migrant adult learners in the future. |
- Hasat, Turkey
- ACATHI: Associacio Catalana per a la Integracio d’Homosexuals, Bisexuals i Transsexuals Immigrants, Spain Cataluña Barcelona
- Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna, Italy
- Cantieri Meticci, Italy
- Vhs: Volkshochschule, Cham, Germany
- EAEA, Belgium
To find out more about EAEA’s projects follow this link, or contact EAEA’s Head of Projects Viola Pinzi at viola.pinzi [at] eaea.org.