EAEA’s Annual Theme 2025 links to key issues raised by the European Skills Agenda, EU Digital Plan and the European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. With the rapid societal changes that individuals face across Europe – digitalisation, to climate change, to threats to democracy, Flexible Learning Pathways seeks to respond to changing education needs of adult learners.
Flexible Learning Pathways are an important tool to build an inclusive society where all adults (including those from underrepresented groups, disadvantaged socio-economic groups etc.) are able to engage in learning. In this scope, EAEA’s annual theme responds to the Erasmus+ priorities of inclusive and accessible training regardless of an individual’s background, location, age, or other factor.
The adaptability of alternative learning pathways—such as online and blended learning, short courses, and recognition of prior learning—makes adult learning more accessible. By embracing flexibility, EAEA aims to raise awareness of the importance of ALE in enhancing economic and social participation across the EU. This theme also provides an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between lifelong learning sectors, particularly vocational education and training (VET) and tertiary education.
EAEA will also examine particular aspects of flexible learning in more detail, including:
- The impact of permeability between education sectors on seamless learning transitions
- The benefits of modular learning in meeting diverse learner needs
- The role of Individual Learning Accounts and micro-credentials in enabling flexible education pathways
- Strategies for promoting social inclusion in increasingly individualised learning environments
Key activities in 2025
Throughout the year, EAEA will explore flexible learning from different angles.
- The call for the Grundtvig Award will invite adult learning organisations from across Europe to share best examples on flexible learning pathways
- The Annual Conference, organised jointly with the Grundtvig Award Ceremony on 3-4 June in Leipzig, will bring together learners, practitioners, researchers and policymakers to exchange on the topic of flexible learning pathways.
- The EAEA podcast Beyond Learning will continue to bring forward grassroots perspectives on flexible learning pathwats
EAEA will close the theme at the end of the year with a paper that will collect the different perspectives on how flexible learning pathways and a set of policy recommendations.