Associate Member

Asociace Institucí Vzdělávání Dospělých - Association of Adult Education Institutions
Who we are?
The Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Czech Republic with a tradition dating back to 1990 is the largest professional association of its kind, and aims to:
- promote the interests and needs of adult education institutions,
- concentrate professional capacities for solutions and development in this area,
- cooperate with the State authorities and other entities in preparation and implementation of legislative and other measures of adult education,
- organize events for professionals and the general public,
- represent members and their activities with domestic and international associations.
We are a member of the Union of Employers’ Associations of the Czech Republic and international net of experts ReferNet. The association is represented in the National Council for Qualifications, the National Advisory Forum, the Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, the Accreditation Board for Retraining Programs of the Ministry of Education, and a number of other boards and committees.
We organize training courses like Certified Trainer for Education of Adults, Certified Manager for Education of Adults etc. Since 1995 we have continuously organized Weeks of Adult Education,international study tours, conferences, seminars or workshops.
What we do?
We organize training courses like Certified Trainer for Education of Adults, Certified Manager for Education of Adults etc. We have created our own product of Qualification Certification built on requirements and demands of educational institutions. Since 1995 we have continuously organized Weeks of Adult Education, international study tours, conferences, seminars or workshops.
Journal Andragogika, occasional book publishing, occasinal summary of annual activities/reports.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Czech-republic

Associate member
Asociace Odborníků v Andragogice ČR, o. s. - Association of Czech Experts in Andragogy

Associate member
Asociace Institucí Vzdělávání Dospělých - Association of Adult Education Institutions
Members by country
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