Associate Member
ANTUNA MIHANOVIĆA 5, 88220 ŠIROKI BRIJEG, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: (00) 38739705442
Email: info (at)
Privatna Srednja strukovna škola s pravom javnosti Libar Široki Brijeg - Libar Vocational High School
Who we are?
The adult education and learning sector in EU countries has been receiving greater attention and recognition within the framework of lifelong learning, which we recognized here 10 years ago starting with this project by running formal education programs in LIBAR Vocational High School in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The mission of Libar Vocational High School, founded in 2007 as a non-pofit organisation, is to educate and empower citizens to meet their goals through participation in accredited, vocational programs that prepare them for various work environments. Our school has a large number of high school programs which are at disposal to ensure education to those who are farther away from learning. For instance, we promote innovative learning programs which incorporate teaching methods suited to the individual learner and especially those migrating between countries in searching for appropriate employment. We are witnesses to the big structural unemployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the result of the vast mismatch between labour demand and the vocational-technical qualifications of potential employees. Even more, especially in rural areas, we have the lack of motivation for education mainly because of the poor education conditions and the non-existence of government support. As a result we have many unqualified persons with no social and education skills; talking in percentages – more than two thirds of the total registered unemployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a very low level of education. This problem can only be solved by introducing the concept of adult lifelong learning which is taking a part in EU countries for a few decades. The former practice of employment for an indefinite period, or one job for life becomes completely obsolete, and our mission is to make this concept even more acceptable and respectable in our country which would provide more eligible workforce for market needs. The fact that our school is recognized across Europe (many of those who took part in our formal education programs found an employment abroad, in various legislative frames), gives us more confidence and motivation to bring best possible practices from pioneers in this education field to our countrymen, trying to convince them in every-day improving through processes of vocational retraining. The process of lifelong learning imposes citizens of all ages need to acquire new and improvement of already acquired knowledge, skills and competences, to provide the ability to adapt to changing market needs. The concept of permanent employment is replaced by the notion of long-term employability, therefore adults need to increase competitiveness and employment opportunities by taking formal and non-formal courses and making themselves qualified for new demanding jobs.
Pointing out that learning enables people to enhance their employability, is number one of all priorities, and it is a first step to be made in all modern societies. In our school we are bringing special advising team about all school programs and currently popular vocations with highest employment rate, and also trying to be in time with European labour market trends, which reflects to our country with some delay.
Therefore, together with EAEA organization, we would like to bring that learning spirit and best practices to our country and our people, now even more when Bosnia and Herzegovina started journey to EU with accepted membership application earlier in February.
What we do?
– Make concept of adult and life-long learning more acceptable and respectable in our country
– Encourage vocation changing and acquiring in order to easier employment and society involving
– Improvement of basic skills among low-skilled adults
– Incorporate teaching methods suited to the individual learner
– Advising about most popular programs with highest employment rate at labour market
– Co-operation with job offers in private sector
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Bosnia-and-herzegovina
Ordinary member
Centar za edukaciju i istraživanje (Nahla) - Center for Education and Research (Nahla)
Ordinary member
Udruženje za lokalne razvojne inicijative (ALDI) - Association for Local Development Initiatives (ALDI)
Associate member
Privatna Srednja strukovna škola s pravom javnosti Libar Široki Brijeg - Libar Vocational High School
Associate member
Prijateljice Obrazovanja Amica EDUCA - Friends of Education Amica EDUCA
Members by country
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