Ordinary Member

Rue des Vétérinaires 42A/4, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium
Phone: (0032) 2 50 27 201
Lire et Écrire - Reading and Writing
Who we are?
Lire et Écrire has three main objectives:
- focussing public opinion and the authorities attention on adult literacy and the urgent need to combat its causes and provide solutions;
- increasing the number of literacy training centres for young people and adults;
- seeking means of creating effective structures to combat illiteracy within the French-speaking community of Belgium.
What we do?
Lire et Écrire’s main activities are:
- political lobbying at federal and Community levels;
- organising campaigns to focus attention on literacy and encourage those in need, to take part in literacy training;
- coordinating events for the “International Day of Literacy” (8 September);
- promoting international relations, mainly with UNESCO, the European Union, and the Flemish-speaking community of Belgium;
- developing joint research and education methods.
Best practices
Eur-alpha (2009-2013): European network for adult literacy and numeracy
Grundtvig workshops against illiteracy: Lire et Écrire Communauté française (Belgium) proposes a thematic workshop in Brussels, from 12 to 19 April 2014.
A research-action training starts from a real unsatisfactory situation a group has to face and is willing to overcome. The group of learners will have to combine two attitudes to find a solution: behaving alternately as a researcher and as an actor.
Unfortunately, this method is not frequently used in adult literacy work. It is, however, a fantastic tool linking access to basic skills and greater self-determination within a collective project.
This workshop is for European specialists in charge of basic skills courses for adults and engaged in combating illiteracy:
- literacy providers
- literacy practitioners
- heads of associations of popular education.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Belgium

Associate member
The Digital Collective (DigiCo)

Associate member
GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Education of the Flemish Community

Associate member
Service Général de la Jeunesse et Education permanente - General Service of Youth and Permanent Education (Lifelong Learning)

Ordinary member
Lire et Écrire - Reading and Writing
Members by country
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