Ordinary Member

Eesti Vabaharidusliit (EVHL) - Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA)
Who we are?
The mission of the ENAEA is to support its members’ aspirations in education by building a learning environment needed for the development of civil society as well as raising public awareness of non-formal education.
What we do?
ENAEA: is active in adult education policy on local, regional and national level; supports activities of its members, promotes their mutual relations; collects and publishes educational materials; collects and distributes information about lifelong learning; carries out research and network projects; organizes seminars, courses, conferences etc.; cooperates with organizations having similar objectives on national and international level.
ENAEA interest areas are: adult educators’ and managers professional development and qualification; quality of adult learning, awareness raising on adult learning in society; involvement of disadvantage groups into adult learning; basic skills and key competences.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Finland
Members by country
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