Ordinary Member
Armeneasca Str. 13 MD2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone: (0037322) 54 25 56/54 19 94
Email: rbezede (at) prodidactica.md; prodidactica (at) prodidactica.md
Centru Educational Pro Didactica (CEPD) - Educational Center Pro Didactica (ECPD)
Who we are?
Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA is a non–governmental, non-profit organization, founded in August 1998. The mission of Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA is to promote the principles of an open society through supporting individuals and organisations interested in continuous learning and development aiming at achieving personal and professional growth, and a better integration into the society. In order to achieve that, Pro Didactica is offering informational, training and consulting programs and services, focusing on development of life-long learning culture and skills, promotion of the values of the knowledge-based society, insurance of inclusion and equal chances for all, and supporting the European integration efforts through education.
What we do?
Current portfolio of the Centre includes 45 training programs for teachers and educational managers, coordinated with Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. The training certificates are recognized officially in the process of teacher in-service evaluation and professional advancement.
Long-term objectives include:
- Ensure continuous professional development centre staff members and trainers to maintain and optimize quality of service;
- Diversify training (including promoting and developing distance learning ), to respond more effectively to the specific requests of the direct beneficiaries- teachers and educational institutions;
- Providing further training materials and publications to meet the needs of beneficiaries;
- Diversify sources of financing;
- Increasing national and international partnerships;
- Increase the level of transparency in national and international level.
Best practices
- Partnerships for Quality and Relevance of the ICT Vocational Education in Moldova, December 2015 – November 2018, sponsored by Austrian Development Cooperation and Rumanian Government–
- Open Education in Moldova: Here and Now! (phase II), with the financial support of the Institute of Open Society Foundation, in cooperation with the Education Support Program of the OSF – November 2016-December, 2017 – http://red.prodidactica.md/en/
- Current projects
- Guide “Open Educational Resources: opportunities for access, quality and relevance” – Its purpose was to provide readers with a quick and user-friendly introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) and some of the key issues when exploring how to use OER most effectively.
- Professional skills development through critical thinking – Its aim is to boost the professional skills of teachers and ensuring quality of teaching-learning process based on the development of critical thinking skills in professional training of students.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Moldova
Ordinary member
Centru Educational Pro Didactica (CEPD) - Educational Center Pro Didactica (ECPD)
Members by country
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