Ordinary Member
C/. Los Madrazos 3 - 1° 284014 E-Madrid, Spain
Phone: (0034) 91 521 9108
Email: info (at) feup.org
WWW: http://www.feup.org/
Federación Española de Universidades Populares (FEUP) Spanish Federation of Popular Universities
Who we are?
The Spanish Federation of Popular Universities – FEUP consists of 201 Popular
Universities. It is the representative body of the Spanish Popular Universities
(UU.PP) on the national and international level. It defends the common interests of
the project.
FEUP is a meeting point for sharing experiences, systematization, reflection,
theoretical production, and collective communication between popular universities
(institutional representatives, technicians and students participating).
FEUP was founded in 1982. It is a non-profit association based in Madrid (Spain).
FEUP is financed by annual fees from its members and through projects with public
institutions: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Ministry of Health, Social
Services and Equality, Women’s Institute, State Budget.
FEUP organises its activities for the entire population, with special attention to
people or groups with greater educational and cultural barriers. It is aimed at
collectives in situation of social disadvantage such as women, youth, seniors,
immigrants, etc.
Other goals:
•Implementation of political, educational, and cultural strategies
•Promoting lifelong learning
•Promoting values of equality, justice and solidarity
•Promoting gender equality
•Promoting respect for democracy, human rights, and development cooperation
FEUP is a member of the International Council for Adult Education, ICAE and the
European Association for Education of Adults, EAEA.
What we do?
Popular Universities in Spain (UU.PP.) started its journey in 1901 (Oviedo- Avilés),
linked to relevant intellectual and political culture, as Blasco Ibáñez (Valencia
1903), Antonio Machado (Segovia 1919), among others. They were inspired by
pedagogical renewal movements like the Free Institution of Teaching and
Educational Missions.
Today, Popular Universities are mostly entities created by local corporations
(municipalities), and, to a lesser extent, by associations or non-profit foundations.
“Popular Universities form a project for Cultural Development, which acts locally,
and aims to promote social participation, education, training, and culture, in order
to improve individuals’ and society quality of life.”
Vicente Blasco Ibañez (1867-1928): “Popular Universities are a place where
everyone can come, where teaching is dressed in fancy robes and science is served
as an amusement”.
The 201 member universities associated to FEUP are located in 12 Spanish
Autonomous Communities: Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Canary Islands, Castilla La
Mancha, Castilla León, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia, La Rioja, Madrid and Valencia.
Popular Universities in Spain (UU.PP) are active in a broad context:
1. Education
2. Specific subjects training
3. Training for employment
4. Cultural activities
5. Cross-cutting issues, basic skills, gender equality, sustainable development, etc.
At the national / European / international level, FEUP has worked with organizations
such as UNESCO , EAEA , NIACE (UK), IIZ -DVV (Germany), FAEA (Finland), UU.PP.
(Hungary), etc.
Our best practices
- Annual assembly and conferences
- Governing bodies meetings
- Reissue of conceptual bases and General Programming framework
- Technical conferences and teacher training policies
- Exchange of experiences and good practices developed for its systematization
Working groups UU.PP. with specialists in different areas of interest e.g.: Female
Education, Youth Employability , Social Integration , etc. - Information, advice, educational materials, and dissemination of Cultural Adult
Education - Development of projects, materials, and applications to public calls
- Promoting lifelong learning, e.g.: Learning Festivals, etc.
- Establishing and strengthening the cooperation with Spanish administrations and
institutions in order to open ways of collaboration and funding streams - Support for international work, such as EAEA, ICAE, REPEM, etc.
- Promotion of the establishment of new Popular Universities
- Promotion of our project using the web and social networks
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Spain
Associate member
Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe
Associate member
Asociación ECCA
Ordinary member
Federación Española de Universidades Populares (FEUP) Spanish Federation of Popular Universities
Associate member
Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (FACEPA) - Federation of Cultural and Adult Education Associations
Ordinary member
Associació Catalana per a l´Educació, la Formació i la Recerca (ACEFIR) - Catalan Association for Education, Training and Research
Members by country
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