Ordinary Member
Gondova 2 81499 Bratislava, Slovakia
Phone: (00421) 907 833 748
Email: prezident (at) aivd.sk
WWW: http://www.aivd.sk/
Asociácia Inštitúcií Vzdelávania Dospelých v Slovenskej Republike (AIVD) - Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic
Who we are?
The Association of Adult Education Institutions (AIVD SR) is non-governmental, apolitical, non-profit, voluntary organisation established in 1991 with the registered office in Bratislava, Slovakia. Members of the AIVD SR are institutions of adult education, who agree with the mission statement. We associate more than 100 members (2018): NGOs, public and private institutions. As an umbrella organization, AIVD is the coordinator of Lifelong Learning Week in Slovakia. AIVD is part of local, regional and national
networks. AIVD SR is a member of European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) since 2008 and European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) since 2017. The association is also represented in the Sectoral Alliance for Education, Science and Sport, the Accreditation Board for Further Education of the Ministry of Education, and a number of other boards and committees. The focus of AIVD SR national and international projects is on improving the conditions of adult education in Slovakia, offering possibility of exchangingexperiences and establishing partnerships.
What we do?
For more than 25 years, AIVD SR as the largest professional association of its
kind aims to:
- promote the interests and needs of adult education institutions,
- facilitating the development of its members,
- concentrate professional capacities for solutions and development in this area,
- cooperate with the state authorities and other entities in preparation and implementation of legislative and other measures of adult education,
- certify Adult Education lecturers
- organize events for AE professionals and the general public
- issue the magazine Vzdelávanie dospelých (56 printed magazines, then free online magazine on lifelong learning and adult education)
- represent members and their activities with domestic and international associations
Our best practices
- Lifelong Learning Week in Slovakia
Týždeň celoživotného učenia na Slovensku Since 2000, the idea of organizing Lifelong Learning Weeks in Slovakia aims to
raise awareness on lifelong learning and especially adult learning. Different activities (lectures, workshops, seminars, conferences, discussions, fairs…) across the country aim to encourage everyone to actively participate in education, regardless of age, education, professional experience and focus. AIVD SR, as the coordinator of LLW with the LLW partners also takes
opportunity to present their activities and actively discuss the state of adulteducation in Slovakia. More than 60 LLW activities took place in 22 cities in Slovakia in 2017. We were honored by active participation of the representatives of the European Association for the Education of Adults, UNESCO Lifelong Learning Institute, the European Commission DG EMPL, and
the ministries. - Age Management Uptake
AIVD SR is coordinating (2017 – 2020) KA2 Erasmus+ project on age management. We aim to improve Age Management promotion and implementation by project intellectual outputs: Scientific Review What Works in Age Management, Age Management curriculum, Course materials for blended learning, Qualification standard of Age management Advisor, Accreditation of adult education course in CEE countries, Guidelines of Age Management Curriculum Implementation for Austrian, Czech, Polish and Slovak lecturers and trainers. - Lifelong Learning Week Bratislava, 17-18 October 2016
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Slovakia
Ordinary member
Asociácia Inštitúcií Vzdelávania Dospelých v Slovenskej Republike (AIVD) - Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic
Members by country
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