Ordinary Member
Str.Feleacu, nr.4, Bl.10A, sc.1, ap.2, 014185, București 1, Romania
Phone: 0040 722728792
Email: office (at) euro-ed.ro
EUROED: Asociaţia Euro Adult Education - EUROED: Euro Adult Education Association
Who we are?
The Euro Adult Education Association, the former EUROED Association, is a Romanian NGO whose purpose is to promote at European standards of VET and of long life learning politics on the Romanian market. The NGO was funded in 2005 to continue the activity of DVV International in Romania. The Euro Adult Education Association promotes Adult Learning and VET and access to and participation in this field for all, especially for disadvantaged groups.
What we do?
The Euro Adult Education Association’ main activities are:
- organizing vocational training courses, mainly in the field of business undertaking/social-organizational field/IT field;
- designing and implementation of various national and European projects;
- introducing in Romania the European certification standard – European Business Competence License EBC*L;
- lobby and counselling on matters concerning adult education /lifelong learning;
- study visits and experience exchange with other European countries.
Best practices
European Social Fund projects
- 2017-2020: Romania Home – Diaspora Start Up, POCU/89/3/7/107619
The 3 year project gives the opportunity to the Romanian people, who are abroad in the last 12 months, to start up a business in Romania, in the Center Region.
- 2014 – 2016: RURAL FORCE – Training, Certification, more employment opportunities, POSDRU/135/5.2/S/128962
The project contributed to increased opportunities for 940 people looking for a job, from rural area, through information and professional counseling activities, training programs and validation the competencies.
- 2010 – 2013: Counselling, training and business assistance in rural area, FAR – POSDRU/83/5.2/S/59260
Through this project was improving the capacity of employment for 1150 people from rural area, through training programs in entrepreneurship and IT and assistance for starting a business or independent activity.
- 2010 – 2013: Entrepreneurial Competences at European Level, KANT” , POSDRU/92/3.1/S/61396
The project increased 1200 people’s ability to materialize business ideas, especially innovative areas related to high technology, ICT, biology, genetics, environment and sustainable rural tourism.
- Phare project 2005/017-7553.04.02 – “Vocational Training and European Business Certification Centre”
- Phare project 2005/017-7553.04.02 – „ARI-BUS”
- PHARE project 2004/016-772.04.02 – “Development and certification of the social /organizational competences in accordance with the European standards”
Erasmus + / Grundvig / Leonardo DaVinci projects (selection)
- Let Europe Know about Adult Education (LEK-AE) , 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002327
- iRemember, 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003613
- Action plan for validation and non-formal adult education – AVA, 2014-1-BE02-KA204-000426
- Addressing the Regional Labor Market Needs through Development and Certification of New Adult Education Programs – Adult-Reg, 2015-1-MK01-KA204-002828
- ForAge – Forage for later life learning-building on European experience -UK-GRUNDTVIG-GNW, 518459-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-GNW
- SOS – Social Inclusion of Students/Learners with Special Needs into Mainstream VET and Labour Market – DK-LEONARDO-LNW, LLP-1-2011-1-DK-LEONARDO-LNW
- WELCOME – Towards inclusion of disabled adult learners – through sensitisation of adult education centres and adult education trainers/teachers, GRU-12-P-LP-112-B-DE
- The Way to Business Competent Europe: EBC*L – international recognition of qualification as a mean of increasing interest in vocational education” (EBC*L on the road) CZ/07/LLP-LdV/TOI/134017
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Romania
Ordinary member
Dan Voiculescu Foundation for Romania’s Development
Associate member
Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (CPIP) - Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning
Associate member
Asociatia pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila - Association for Education and Sustainable Development (AESD)
Ordinary member
EUROED: Asociaţia Euro Adult Education - EUROED: Euro Adult Education Association
Members by country
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